We have all broken a fin before and usually one of two things happens, the fin breaks or the box/plug breaks. No big deal, $18.00 for a new fin (or more depending on the fin) or $35.00 for a plug replacement, unless you have the apparent misfortune of this board's owner.

What does this mean for you? It means there is a little surf so get out there
(because I can't).
sniffle sniffle.....
Hey, how about update the front page while you're so bored.
Thats not my department.
Surf was kinda fun at low tide at 4:23 pm. Only a few brahs out. But thanks to cell phone technology, by 6pm it turned into a Brah-a-palooza.
There was some debate over the use of a cell phone at the surf recently...especially for dawn patrol. I gave a guy some lighthearted grief about it one morning just as it was getting light, which he didn't like.
It was chest high and glassy, which I pretty much knew it would be the night before, noone out yet. I'm going over the walkway and this guy is on the horn..."Bro it's firin man, get up------------ yeah, it looks really good"--------- "no really good"(like he has to talk the douche bag out of bed)-----------"Ok bro, see ya in few, hey call Timmmy and Andrew and Sebastian, that dude rocks"
Timmy calls Don, Frankie and Carl.
Andrew calls Jimbo, Tweeter, Al and Jack.
Sebastian calls Serge', Gaylord and Sean (not Shawn but Sean).... who in turn call 3 more hodads who would have other wise slept in.
Cell phone surf reports from the beach should be illegal. It floods the lineup with people who don't want it bad enough to check it themselves but think they deserve to catch good waves and have that entitlement complex when they get here.
they still have to ask their mother for permission to skip school....
I'm with grumpy local...dumb f@#king kids. That god for school. Atleast it keeps a lot of the little rats occuppied. I wonder if we could get a truant office a beach mobile to patrol? Keep that line up nice and clear.
erase cell phone and put in internet cam and i agree . any kook can have a computer ,but a dawn call from the beach ,you got CONNECTIONS baby!
That's the point. What with all the swell predictions, cams and weather sites... if you're still not on it for a good dawn patrol, you need to stay home.
Seconds Grumpy's opinion.
If you can't get your ass outta bed...no call for you. And, trust me, I sleep in more than I haul my ass out of bed (but I work long shi**y hours), but I realize it's my loss.
FCS fin boxes are a joke.
notice no one is calling you ?
If anyone calls my house at twighlight to say the the surf is good, my wife will rip their throat out. Especially since I won't be home, I'll be on the beach already.
Speaking of....fun dawn this morning. Wrong tide so it was empty. Pretty good chance for waves later with the incoming tide. Get on it Anon...or sit around like a primadonna and wait for your "bro" to call with a report.
keep your info for the masses. i got connections.
no my bro friend does it for me while our other bro friends check the waves for us.
Hey Grumpy, you don't expect these people to actually work for it do you?
now THATS some whining!
if you were really hard core you would sit at the beach all day and wait for that perfect waveyou must have not got or existed at all or you maybe just surf downn the beach where it was probably empty and just as fun just asuggestion
complainers at the INTERNET CAM.lol.
yeah ,all those crowds from a cell phone call.
maybe if you were out in the water you wouldn't notice all the stuff on the hill.
Complaining at the INTERNET CAM about complainers at the INTERNET CAM is even more lol.
Why do you make me censor you?
Over crowded surf spots...well the bad news is it happens almost everywhere where there is a large human population. We all want to surf with "our brahs" and prevent everyone else from surfing "our" spot. Hell, I've bitched about the crowds many a'time. But, in someone else's eyes I am part of the crowd and problem. It is what it is and if you really want to surf alone the only solution I can think of is live someplace remote like the SW coast of Africa. Good luck making a living or seeing your Mum on Mother's day. Surf and let Surf...give up a wave or two on a crowded Saturday and maybe the good manners will spread. Don't be a "Bro J. Simpson" and try getting away with murder on every wave, bros will end up hating you.
Sorry Drew, they started it. I'll never be one to stoop as low as someone who insults me..... I'll always go one rung lower...
Can I tone it down a bit and say, I'm glad Anon is connected, even if it is to his bro's hind end?
Oh, I did paddle out that morning... doesn't mean I think it's "my spot". See, that is how we are different. Obviously when you show up to the beach, you need to call your bros there, because you think it's "your spot"...
I was giving YOU a report, Anon, since you need it.
...and learn to use the keyboard, for god's sake.
when anonymous says "interspersed" I wonder if he says it with a lisp?
Hey guys, check this out; sh!t,
D!ckhe@d; see how easy it is.
theres a lot more more differences between us than you think .You screw with people on the beach .and when your argument gets weak ,you resort to gay bashing ,name calling ,
even keyboarding skills.
i guess if you had an argument you'd use it.
In the meantime ,a lesson from a primadonna will do.
haha - too bad I missed the deleted comments, but I can pretty much guess.
Every time I see some dou@he calling his bro on a cell phone I think, "what a dou@he"
Anonymouse sounds tired so I'm gonna let it go after I clarify a few things.
If seeing a dude at dawn and telling him to hang up his phone and if his buds aren't here to check it themselves they shouldn't be here, is "screwing with people at the beach"... then I'm guilty. I don't see it as such a heineous offense. Sorry if it ruined your day. Don't go to California or Hawaii if you think THAT'S mean.
Making fun of some anon by referencing him trying to perform fellatio on himself, about his connections are to his bro's hindend and gregarious primping on the beach before a paddle out, is NOT "gay bashing", by a frikkin longshot, dude. Sorry if that touches a sore spot...tee hee hee....
My argument is, dawn patrols are precious to me, if you don't have the audacity to take the gamble, get up early and be there, you shouldn't come just because your buddy calls you. Some things should just be taboo. Just my opinion and it's a free country, so dail away.
The run-on typing and weird punctuation is what it is.
Thanks for the lesson, I know I feel better. Kinder, gentler machine gun hand.
it's all good ,man .it was only sore after the first few times.
its all about you ain't it .
well f you .you can give out the forecast on the internet whenever you want ,but god forgive someone uses a cell phone, you gotta go up and give them siht.
and you STILL don't think its your fault. It ain't your dawn and it ain't your beach.
Your just another pricke ,and the worlds got no shortage of those.
Like I said in the beginning ,take out cell phone and put in internet ,and I agree with you .
You should worry more about your argumentative skills and less about your secretarial skill before you open up on typing.
I do dawn too. With phone . Don't come up to me . Stick to your internet forecasts.
Asswipes like you need to be put in their place .Glad to oblige.
It's "you're" not "your"... improper grammar while attempting to insult someone on the internet is really quite sad.
As in, "you're" just another hyper sensitive madonna who takes the interweb way too seriously.
"I do dawn too. With phone . Don't come up to me ."
Or what?
What you gonna do tough guy?
"I do Dawn too. With phone . Don't come on me ."
I just saw that scene in Backdoor Phone Sluts 9 and you had no problem taking it on you then. Why the change of heart?
No reply?
Thats what I figgured you would do.
While I love the witty reparte', we really need to dump the ability to post anonymously. If only so we can seperate anons and know who's throwing which insults.
I'm just saying.
I agree...at least Anons should list themselves as "Anonymous A" or "Anonymous B" etc.
Conrad ,too funny .don't wade in to the intellectual part ,but hey ,when someone bumps it down low enough, then your in!
I know I'm not a tough guy ,but hey we always got you for that! I figgure.
There was an "intellectual part"?
I missed that, all I read was some banter with a grumpy local who only surfs the same 2 or 3 spots and probably never travels vs boy Gallant who wants to carpool with all his bros to the surf and call everyone he knows who isn't there yet.
Both lame.
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