...this board will not be at the demo because I refuse to pay $100 each way to have it fly with me, and its quite a shame. This is the Fishquest, a model that ...Lost does exclusively for its Japanese accounts to prevent other Japanese retailers from back-dooring ...Lost boards from other countries. Kind of like what the guy from Point Break (not the movie) was doing.
This is basically the Round Nose Fish Quad template with a mutated "rocket" tail and an elevated wing. This particular one was shaped out of a Marko EPS blank so it's really light, and I'm running the FCS C-Drive fins in it right now, graciously bequeathed to me by FCS rep. Nigel Haynes, with much success in all conditions of glassiness. This board is available in the States, but only on a custom order basis. Any questions come see me at the board demo this Saturday.

awesome looking board. the dude at point break is a douche
That kook at Point Break thinks Patrick Swayze is a real surfer.
Do I have to put 3 periods before I type the word Lost?
...wah ...wah ...wah
Tell me more about the Point Break deal. Every time I have popped in there to look at boards, I always got the feeling they were the equivalent of buying a pair of boardshorts at TJ Maxx. They just always looked like they had been used or something. What is up?
Don't really know much about their current operation, but for awhile they were trying extremely hard to get ...Lost boards and clothing in there. McKevlin's has exclusivity in the area, so they started backdoor-ing ...Lost & Chilli boards from Florida.
...gimmick marketing
"grumpy local" is a cyber gimmick.
A gimmick is a gadget made to entice a consumer into buying a product. I'm not selling anything except maybe stupid...and stupid is free.
Stupid is as stupid does, Mr. Grumpy Local...my Momma used to say, life is like a box of chocolates...you never know what you're gonna get. Enough of quotes from the great minds of Hollywood. Hey, I am new to this surfboarding thing. I'm from Montana and I have a couple of questions. 1. Is being called a kook good or bad? 2. Would anyone laugh if I wore a cowboy hat and speedo while riding my brand new highest pro formance surfing board from the Holester store at the Northwoods mall?
Good ones. How about... girl who go to bed with itchy croth wake up with stinky fingers.
To answer your questions, yes and yes. Except Drew, who seems to have a cowboy fetish. He'd probably like that get up, minus the gimmick board from the mall. Careful you don't wake up in his basement.
dear ...ian exclusivity is a hot word... keep it up...
You better show up tomorrow, and it's Ian..., not ...Ian
Get better Drew!!!
the people that work at point break are rude.or maybe its just me.
this blog sucks - last update april 7th - wow, its turning into follywaves.com....sad
Hey, don't bitch guy! Drew had an accident and probably doesn't feel up to doing blog stuff right now...jeez, give him a break.
does drew type with his tibia or fibia? Case closed.
another crybaby who wants entertainment yet contributes nothing.....
oviously it gave enough reason to entertain yoursleves for in for bitching session. maybe drew wants you to feel unfulfilled while you rest your heads at night
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