Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Fox News Report: Shark Attack on Folly Beach's the culprit on the right. Born Craig Watkins in 1968, he earned the nickname "Jabberjaw" due to his Curly-like slapstick antics. He also played drums for the group The Neptunes before turning into the cliche drug-addled child star...

Actually it wasn't Jabberjaw, but instead an FCS fin. Here's a better shot below for scale...

...the fin slice required something along the lines of 120 stitches and at least one month out of the water, so he'll miss 2 days of surf. His dad bought him a Liquid Shredder...psyche! He got some PRO-TEC fins instead. Good luck with the recovery Austin.


Anonymous said...

Make sure to take some Vitamin E with that!!

goodkarma said...

man thats nasty