...well we here at Mckevlin's Surfery couldn't agree more and at the risk of turning the blog into a commercial I thought you should take a look at some of these boards.
Like this brand new Channel Islands V for $470. When is the last time you saw a new CI for under $500? Dimensions: H 6'2" x W 18 1/2" x TH 2 1/4"
How about a new board under $400?
This new HIC Element is $385.
Dimensions: H 6'1" x W 18 3/8 x TH 2 1/4
Dimensions: H 6'1" x W 18 3/8" x TH 2 1/4"
So if you haven't done all of your Christmas shopping yet then you should hurry because you only have 5 days left. If you don't celebrate Christmas or have done all of your shopping then maybe you should come by and get a considerable discount on a new board (we have more).
Do you have any more al merricks for sale?
No, there are no such things as "Al Merricks", but we do carry Channel Islands. So get it right.
Channel Islands that are shaped by Al Merrick, or Channel Islands pop-outs? hypocrite.
Alright, one more time. The only Channel islands we carry are the "hand shaped" Channel Islands. I'm not an idiot and know that Al Merrick probably only touches pro boards but that does not mean the others (like the ones in the shop)are machine produced. They were hand made by a ghost shaper working for Channel Islands. Now you may say "how come you carry CI which has surf tech models but not Harbour or Stewart, etc.?" The answer is distribution control. Channel Islands controls the distribution of ALL of their boards, Surf tech or not. The other companies do not. We have an agreement with Channel Islands keeping their boards out of other shops in the area as long as we carry them. Since we don't stock surf tech CIs then no one does around here. So if you have been looking every where for that 5'10" or 6'1" K small surf tech but can't find it locally, you have us to thank. So any anonymous who has something else to say about our alleged "hypocritical" position on Channel Islands, hope this comment helps.
well done.
what i heard was that you guys stopped selling harbour because he let surftech carry his boards.surftech also carries channel islands surfboards.so why get rid of harbour and keep channel islands?i would love to get a sano off you guys.
"how come you carry CI which has surf tech models but not Harbour or Stewart, etc.?" The answer is distribution control. Channel Islands controls the distribution of ALL of their boards, Surf tech or not. The other companies do not. We have an agreement with Channel Islands keeping their boards out of other shops in the area as long as we carry them. Since we don't stock surf tech CIs then no one does around here. So if you have been looking every where for that 5'10" or 6'1" K small surf tech but can't find it locally, you have us to thank."
Just farkin' read a little bit and you won't have so many questions.
In the same turn, you can get a Harbour at any shop that carries Smurfteks, because they don't have distribution control ie. "no exclusivity"
Does it make any sense yet? It's idiocracy.
That was pretty educated for someone unedumacated. Bravo! Author, Author!
Happy F'ng Festivus to us all!
I still believe that mckevlins are a bunch of hypocrites. I have heard a million times that yall would never support a company that backed surftech. I have nothing against CI or surftech. I just feel that yall are hypocrites put your money where your mouth is drop CI or start carrying all the componies you dropped in the past that dont distribute in the area.
I have a Channel Islands that was hand shaped by Al Merrick himself... maybe that one will be the next Sunday morning board review.
With a few exceptions, most people who ride a surftech / popout are not the best surfers out there. Seems to me most are of very limited skill or are just starting to surf. Most beginners do not have the talent to know the difference between a 7'4" funshape or a 9'0" longboard. They're going to take that white water straight into the beach on their knees and wipeout anyway. So, a quarter inch here or there doesn't matter to them anyway. Guys and girls that have been surfing for a number of years and are locked into the life know what they want to ride and always turn to custom boards. Years ago I tried a surftech longboard and didn't like it. It just felt weird and dead, not for me. Even with poor working conditions in third world countries and human rights violations I'd probably carry a few popouts for kooks and beginners if I had a surf shop. It is just business and they do have a good price point. Besides, at least the poor bastard in that third world country working his ass off has a job to feed his family. The world has tons of problems and it is difficult to solve them all. And it seems to me that almost all surf clothing companies have their goods made overseas...and I don't think it is in Germany or Scandinavia. But, that is just my opinion and every one has their thoughts on the subject with good pros and cons. Can't we all just get along and surf...Brah?
-Mckev's is a business ,not a government .you don't like it ,shop elsewhere.
I've always wondered why Tim got into the no popout thing. Tim doesn't ride boards ,doesn't make boards .He only sells boards .He really doesn't have a dog in this fight.He's a broker of surfboards,simply a middleman. It's a business risk to take this tack but he must think its a good one.and it may be. But taking a moral stand against popouts in our little backwater isn't going to change a thing. The marketplace decides what a business will sell ,not the other way around .
The person on the popout will soon enough realize that they are sub human life form and will eiher upgrade their equipment or stash the thing under the trailer until the first hurricane swell.
Meanwhile if they start making boards out of milk cartons or something Tim has to worry about the manufacturing process,because he injected himself into the fray. Still ,I think Tim's smart,especially compared to neighboring stores flooded with crap.
He's just gonna have trouble drawing the line ,as evidenced here.
I learned how to surf on borrowed popouts ,they have a place,but certainly no serious surfer would compromise their equipment. Ever. Tims taking the risks involved ,its his call .Theres really no politics involved ,just a business call. No moralizing necessary.
Now if we put this much energy into supergluing the meters(remember 8 am parking fees start soon!) .
Yeah, I agree with anonymous. The neighboring surf shop (Ocean) does carry a ton of crap when it comes to surfboards. They seem to cater to beginners and kooks. That is why I never set a foot in, much less shop there. I think the last time I ventured in was well over a year ago and I didn't see ONE board that I would even consider...not just because they were popouts but because of the dimentions...all super big and fat (for beginners). They are the Popout provider for the area. There again good price point and I'm sure they're making money on them, but unappealing to real surfers.
Anon....while you make a good point. Two are wrong.
Tim DOES have a dog in this fight. His business and livelihood. He is making a concious decision to support handmade boards, which in turn supports actual shapers, whether they be Al Merrick, his ghost shapers or Todd Sutz in MB or Will Allison. His business is HIS livelihood and it lives and dies by sales (yes not just boards, but still). So he does have a dog in the fight.
Secondly, Tim did surf. You make him sound like he never did. Tim has a bad back. I guarantee you if Tim could be out everyday, he would be.
As for popouts. Consumer and Seller's choice, period. Are pop outs evil??? In my mind no. They serve a purpose. However, in doing their purpose, they dohave some threat to shapers. And to those who support shapers, they are a threat. To what degree is up for debate. You quote price point and such. You can by a beginner priced board, the McKevlins label boards are very competively priced. Shaped by Todd Sutz, who shapes his Island Inspired boards, HIC and also some ghost brands for East coast shops...all of which are not pop outs.
Beginners and "kooks" (remember we all were those at one point), deserve to make their choices, whether educated or not, then they can learn as they progress.
I've never bought a pop out or a surftech....probably never will....personal choice. I believe in my shaper. (I will admit to having bought a couple of Liqiud shredders for my kids when they were younger, but that was based on the number of little bastards I created and finances and getting 'em all out in the water...it helped supplement the family quiver...that way I could tell if buying them a PU was going to be used or wasted).....anyway...
People run business their way, because it's their business. Tim has been successful with his so far...Ocean survives with theirs...we all surf and that's what matters in the end. Buy from who trust handing your money to. It's really that simple.
I just choose to give it to the guy who'd supporting the foam mowers of America.
And with that....
Happy Holidays and fingers crossed for a Xmas swell.
No grammar or spelling police for above post....too much to proof read. Thanks.
You cannot say Chris Brown and Shawn Ducker are kooks because they ride surf tech.
Your're an uckin fidiot.
"With a few exceptions, most people who ride a surftech / popout are not the best surfers out there."
Thanks "I read the comment said"...so I don't have to point out the part about the few exceptional surfers.
I'm glad we could all get that off our chest. I'll be in florida this week but should have a new post soon. Untill then I'm sure Ian will put something up.
Who's Drew?
I can't help but post when I see the nonchalant way in which Surftech is considered a Chinese company.
It's an American corporation!
Corporations main and often only concern is making money, not you, not providing a better product, not their employees!
And when I hear someone say let the poor Chinese make a buck, have you ever bothered to look at what is really going on over there?
If being under payed were the worst problem factory workers were facing I might be able to rest a little easier.
Have you ever Googled China?
Communism kills!
Not just your body but your sole as well.
Stop watching the local news and then talking out of your A@#.
If you buy this crap you not only support the demise of an art form but you also support the continued mistreatment of fellow human beings.
You should be commended for only selling one pop-out brand while condemning all the rest that you don't have "distribution control" over.
Effin' hypocrites. Effff. Innn. Hypocrites.
Looks like a few people will be getting soap boxes for Christmas..
yeah cuz no one gets on their soapbox about pop-outs, right?
nuther efin hypocrite
not wanting to hijack a thread but it would be nice if you would post pics of new boards as they arrive in the shop.i am looking for a new board from you guys but i dont live in the charleston area.that way people would not call and bother you guys and we could see the boards.thanks
Yeah, I like the idea of posting photos of new board arrivals. Harbour surfboards does or did that on their web page. It is probably a pain to do, especially if you give the measurments along with the pic.....it would be nice Drew!
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