Actually, we were just getting rid of some un-seaworthy rental boards and had to cut them down so the sanitation officers will take them. Don't worry, no one is missing out on riding these boards. Especially the ones plagued with issues like a reverse rocker.
Monday, December 01, 2008
We don't take too kindly to pop outs 'round here.
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You could have donated those to a group that teaches kids to surf.
Donate trash? Trust me when I say un-seaworthy. These boards were not surfable. Plagued with buckles and reverse rockers these boards would have done more harm then good.
what where they replaced with?
Nothing yet.
When's Ian coming back ?
Just kidding Drew , Keep it up !!
you could have donated it to a group that teaches kids how to be kooks.
very wasteful and harmful to environment! if it floats it should have been donated.
ian would never and if he did he would hide the fact that he did it like a fat kid eating dounuts on a diet!
sorry drew but i miss ian.
Anonymous...saving the planet one pop out at a time. Sounds like missing Ian is kinda gay?? Just kidding. And letting some poor unsuspecting kid have his or her first surfing experience on a reverse rocker, delaminating plastic dream theory you could have prevented the next Slater from every starting to surf due to a bad first experience. Thus changing the future of surfing! Pretty heavy huh? So in 20/20 hind sight...cut up the rentals!
Lost Boy nailed it !!!
Get em outa here.
And were're jealous because Ian's
surfing good waves and were're not !!!
seriously, i saw the reverse-rocker board. no kid would enjoy pearling on every single wave they tried to catch.
How about those mentally challenged kids surfers help out or is that just in front of cameras?
I find it ironic that my "brahs" are all about the perfect wave on the perfect board IN FOLLY!
That's why I moved. That's why Ian moved. Folly is a SUP paradise.
I hope that they're safe for the landfill [shaking head]
i think i felt something move , too
if you want to be more earth conscience then grab a board from a pawn shop.... fix it up and give it to a kid for christmas... a stressful first expierience would def. be disasterous for a future surfer.. more pics Ian... im gettin aroused..
Not everyone has a bundle of money. Not everyone has 300 dollars to fork out for foam and glass and some folks have to buy cheap crappy pop-outs.
Surfing is about fun. Period.
McKevlins made a mistake. These boards should have been sold at an extreme discount or donated to beginners or less fortunate.
Also, you know you're just going to buy more bic sports or surftechs to rent so don't get off being all pious about this whole no-pop outs thing. You guys are so much more "soul" than the rest of us (rolls eyes)
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