As you probably know, Folly Beach has finally seen a little swell the past couple of days. But as is understood as common knowledge, everything comes at a price. When the waves get good the line up gets crowded, people get hurt. This time it was one of our loyal customers who received a gash splitting his ear in half as he got hit with someone's loose board. So remember to hold on to your board and not to recklessly fling it towards somebody in the water next time there is waves.
...If only Slurry had been there.
But, you shouldn't have to pay like that, especially if someone was being reckless. Did said board have a leash on it? Regardless, you hold on to your board. That could have had a much worse outcome....
It did have a leash, but the leash was attached to an incompetent person's ankle.
You know, looking at the pictures a little closer, I'd like to know what ER he went to. Those are some messy looking stitches, not to mention for what the bill would be, you would think they would have trimmed those ear hairs and dug out some of the ear wax. I mean come on, what happened to full service?
I'm sorry that happend to your ear... you deserve a freakin trophy man... that is just gnarly.
Holy hell. Man, I am sorry to see that.
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