...It's not for me though, in fact it belongs to everyone (if you happen to work at Mckevlin's or surf on the team).

This board is made by a company called Green Room Board Co. out of Wilmington, NC and shaped by Jimmy Keith.

Tim is always searching for new companies that offer something a little different then what we already carry. Green Room offers custom epoxy boards, like many companies, but they actually have developed their own epoxy resin, you can read more about it
here. Their custom epoxy resin complements the 100% recyclable
Marko EPS blanks they use because as responsible board builders they don't want a bunch of broken boards or foam scraps sitting around in landfills.

So far the board feels significantly lighter then my Round Nose Fish of the same size. When I apply pressure to it, it seems relatively harder then my
RNF as well. I guess the real test will come tomorrow morning when I see how it rides.
Make sure you let us know how it rides, I like the concept of the "green".
I can't wait to take it out! It looks fun
did you say lighter?
after i get my new tires, i'll come over & check it out...
no wait, i'll come & check it - then, get my new tires.
What does it being made out of styrofoam have to do with it not sitting in a landfill.
EPS is recyclable.
I rode it this morning in waist to stomach slop. From the few lines I could find it was fun. Floats better then my RNF and even seems to paddle a little better too. I want to try it on a day with a little more wave and a lot less wind.
So does an EPS board biodegrade, or breakdown in your living room or in the water the same as it would a landfill?
There's no such thing as a stupid question. When the actual EPS core is exposed to water or the elements, yes it will biodegrade just the same. However, if kept sealed in an epoxy resin it and protected from the elements, it shan't deteriorate.
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