...and you get free parking because you park at the dome house. You got everything going for you, so don't ruin it for everyone else. Just because the fence got pushed down doesn't mean you should walk over the fragile dunes that took so long to be replenished. There are 2 walkways within 25 yards of where you park, so please use them. If not we'll get your tires ready for beach driving. It's only fair, especially when one of the vehicles is bio-diesel.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
you're young and have your youth...
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Ian, I don't understand what you mean by "we'll get your tires ready for beach driving" and the "especially the bio fuel vehicle"??? I always use the walk ways and agree everyone else should too. If the cops see you jump the dunes a hefty fine can occur.
Maybe he means we should start slashing peoples tires...or just deflating em a bit?
Its sort of ironic that someone who claims to help protect the global environment when they fill up their truck would walk over environmentally sensitive dunes in their own back yard.
my story:
I watched a kid in a fast and the furious style honda jump the dune fence about a week ago. I told him the FBPD frowned on that type of thing but he said "Im not too worried about it" in a cool, Im in highschool but can grow a mustache tone of voice. I just stared at him and laughed cause I have a college degree, no job and a beard which makes me much more cool.
Obey the sign or face the fine.
Stay off the dunes you retarded goons.
Thanks Mr. Slade. I sort of thought that is what it meant but didn't want to jump to conclusions. Basically, alot of surfers think that the rules don't apply to them...just the other guys.
I nominate Jimmy Slade to take over the blog!!! Slade/Palin for FB Mayor and pit bull!!!
The other day my buddy and I ran from the car int the surf. He took the walk over as i went plowing through the dune. As i hit the line up i saw massive set coming i turned on it and before i realized what had happened i sitting in a folly tubular. Unlucky for my friend because he took the very out of the way and slow walkover and missed the only legit set that came in on election day.
Yeah, we all know how tempting it is to take a short cut...hell, we've all done it at one time or another. But to play devil's advocate, surfers have a bad rep with the local fuzz and population. Lets not give them any more ammo than they already have to make our lives harder. Remember, don't shit where you eat. If the "hardcore" (and you know who you are) locals obey the rules, everyone else will follow. I know, I know...sounds like I'm your Dad or something. But, it won't kill you to take an extra few steps. Hell in Cali. you have to really walk a long way to get to the waves, so the "Wash Out" is nothing. Better for you cardio cross training too (refering to smokers). So, be cool and obey this simple rule...besides the small rats that live in the rocks will love you for it.
Oh...and know one will think you're a pussy for using the walkway.
Sorry, spell check..."no one" on that last entry.
erosion is natural,nothing anti environment about it.
one good( natural) storm and its all moot.(gone)
The sand fences are way more attractive than the pine straw,but its all cosmetic ,and not gonna stop the ocean for more than one tide if neptune decides so.
if houses don't destroy the beach environment ,I don't see how footprints can.
The dune grass' roots holds the sand dunes together. You trample them and the sand breaks away. I'm not saying that storms won't do most of the damage, but continuous walking over the dunes will kill them. Heed this warning murderers of dunes, for my henchmen shall do my bidding after my exit. Snootchie bootchies!
i've never seen anyone trample the grass walking thru,just the sand ,which is an inanimate object,and can't be killed.
I'm not gonna fall on my sword over this issue, I just don't think the "harm" is all that .Perhaps the roots are susceptible ,but most people seem to use bare paths.
The real issue is the homes on a sandy,ever-changing barrier island , and the need for groins,renourishment ,etc, but we're not powerful enough to tackle that ,so its "hey you ,where YOU going?"
Yeah, I tend to agree with what "anonymous said". The main problem is human intervention with nature. We have miles of un-natural human habitation right on the sand just yards away from a sometimes turbulant ocean. And the city is worried about a small patch of sand call the Washout?! The Army Corp of Engineers really messed this one up a long time ago and every couple of years the city wants the same mistakes repeated at a cost of 12 or more million dollars each time. However nice it is to live right on the beach side of the road, nature will eventually reclaim that property. There should be a federal law prohibiting developers from building too close to the ocean. Look what happened to Galveston Tx. It would also help keep our insurance rates down as well. Besides, I think a natural beach without human intrusion is more desirable than looking into some snobby rich persons window while surfing. The beaches belong to everyone, not just a few rich a$$holes. But still...you shouldn't break the law and walk over the man made dunes, even if they're half washed away already. I'm guessing next spring we'll see the dreadger sucking up environmental sensitive ocean floor sand and dumping it on the beach, where its light weight just blows and washes away. Lets open up a new can of worms and discuss different ways to stop errosion because the status quo isn't working.
Bumper stickers...
You might be green but you're still mean
You might drive a Prius but you're still an asshole
LOL at the Prius sticker!
Regardless of the homes built too close to the shoreline, keep off the damn dunes! It's not that hard. If everyone loves the beach so much, respect it, too!
And as was mentioned, surfers already have a bad rap on FB... let's not make it worse for those of us who try to do the right thing. Please!
"You might drive a Prius but you're still an asshole."
I enjoy that. The main idea is to tread lightly (but not over the dunes) and leave the beach a little cleaner than it was when you arrived (pick up a piece of trash, even if its a girl named Ashley from Ohio)
It was fun surfing with everyone yesterday during what will be my last session for a long time at my beloved Washout.
Except for the guy skinning it with booties on...wtf?
who called me a dune coon???
Ian...Have a safe trip and ejoy the west coast. Get a job at LOST so I know my next custom order will be done right. Sorry I didn't get to surf wid ya yesterday, but I had to work. Oh and "You might drive a BMW or Porsche, but you're still an asshole". Is that wrong? Aloha and I'll miss your Jersey attitude at the shop.
And oh...the arroma from the rest room when Ian was on the job.
Thanks but no thanks old kook. Im computer illiterate and unoriginal.
As for me and Palin?
Ive gott a Rottweiler who'd probably take offense to some bitchy pitbull running around the office barking orders and sounding like the female cop in the movie FARGO.
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