...thank you for voting us the Best Surf Shop for the last 11 years straight. I finally got to go to the Best Of Charleston party to see what all the hoopla is about. Well, the best restaurants supplied the food for free and the beer flowed like wine.

Even the blog won an award: Best Way to Wait Out the Doldrums Between Swells on Folly Beach
McKevlin's Blog
Ian Riggs is a surfer. Actually he's a skater who surfs, but that clarification was the source of one of the daily retorts and heated conversations that spice up his already hilarious posts from McKevlin's headquarters on Folly Beach. Staunchly anti-"pop-out" (boards shaped and created by machines rather than by hand), Riggs doesn't hesitate to call out the other stores in town that carry them, and he's equally quick to poke fun at some surfers' overzealous affiliation to particular breaks like the Washout. Although his comments generate some angry banter, they're all in good fun, and the underlying theme is to encourage and help people to pursue the sport. And if you come into the store wearing way-too-short shorts or have a ridiculous looking wipeout, and Riggs is around with his camera, watch out — he'll post it, and we'll all have a good laugh. With you, of course.
*Bottom 2 pictures taken on my crappy camera phone that has resin smeared all over the lense. My apologies.
The party was not as good as the previous years at the aquarium. The stripper zombies did more talking than dancing... i guess they shouldnt allow high school girls from ohio to dance at partys. Anyhow, i looked for a few mckevlin dudes but i was working and didnt see any Mckev tee shirts.
I almost left early b/c of the band that played... holy crap!! Congrats on the award every year.... maybe i can afford a new board this year with my bonus for best vegetarian rest. in Mt. P. peace
Way to go IR! but I'd also like to thank those who like to keep it real.
old kook
grumpy local
jimmy slade
turd furgeson
float like a jelly fish
all the christian bloggers
and last but not least the liquid shredder guy.
Thanks for making me laugh almost every day.
I thought the band was alright, except for the Freddie Mercury wannabe. Congrats on your award. As a newly practicing vegetarian I'll be seeing you soon.
Mustard Seed baby keepin it real... If you come by... let me know your there.
Italian baked eggplant. Booya!
Congratulations goes out to Mckevlins as well as that lame hippie Ian Riggs !!!
You still suck in my book.
Now take down all those signs on your shop. Theyre making this town look all comercialized like some wanna be Huntington Beach. Geeez!!!
Ok, sorry, Im in a bad mood and just needed to let off a little steam.
No one sucks, I like the signs, etc.
Have a happy day Wilbur.
Yeah, all of the above to IR...and thanks for the shout Chris.
yeah whatever, I'm not feeling supported at all.
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