...this is the equivalent of me going to church: It happens once every 30 years. Bill Perry and Betty Sue Cowsert stopped in the shop last week for the first time since they started the Ocean Sports shop 30 years ago. They have sold the shop and have been spending time in the Bahamas and just came by to tell Tim they enjoyed competing for the last 3 decades. This is Bill's 2nd time on the blog. In case you forgot the 1st, or are new to the blog, it was here. As a parting gift, we hooked him up with a no-popout t-shirt. Enjoy your retirement!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
once in a eclipsed moon...
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So, does that mean Kelly is out of a job?
Who did they sell to?
Kelly still has a job, and Michael Cattlebomb or Quattelbaum or something of that nature is the new owner of the Largest Authorized Pop-out dealer in South Carolina.
nice work Grrrr. Hope they have a nice retirement. 30 years in Folly is a long time.
I am pretty sure you don't like them, but in my opinion that was pretty cool they stopped by. I mean honestly so what if he sells a surftechs to tourists? I know it puts a few more kooks in the water, but I don't really see it as a threeat to surfing's soul or anything.
I'm not attacking your blog, I really enjoy it,-I'm just asking!
Shows Bill and Betty S have a lot of class.
As far as the popout crap, I've always wondered why Tim plays that card. He doesn't ride surfboards ,he doesn't make surfboards,he just sells surfboards.Plain and simple, he's just a broker of boards.He doesn't have a dog in that fight,as a businessman. If person A wants to buy something from person B,and I don't like it ,thats too bad for me.
I always heard about foreigners stealing our jobs ,but I also heard our unemployment rate is only about 5%.Which means 95% employed.So who's jobs are they taking?
I also know Charleston is a trading town that wouldn't be here without trade.That we practice free enterprise and competition.That no one holds a gun to anyone's head and says "buy this popout". This town is full of Japanese pickup trucks with American flag stickers on them.
Surfing is not some small subculture anymore ,its huge,(especially when you go places that have surf!) The surf business world is like watching sausage being made,you don't want to see it.Its ugly ,its cutthroat ,its like business everywhere. The only thing that doesn't change is the waves. Equipment isn't everything ,knowing your equipment is also paramount.The toys we play with will always be changing .But I'm a big boy now ,I can decide for myself what to ride ,thank you.
I don't dislike Bill or Betty Sue. They are in fact my neighbors. When they are in town I see them at some point everyday. I don't agree with their business model, and in fact when Bill and I spoke the other day he mentioned how the industry is pretty much screwed. And you know why: mass produced China boards. That coming from his mouth kind of makes you wonder. He also said how the pop-out manufacturers would dump boards for super cheap when they had overstock and he would get his chance to make a significant profit. That is a broker. I don't know what you do for a living, but relate that scenario to your business. It sucks doesn't it. Maybe it already happened to your work sector so you're desensitized. Don't start this Tim surfing stuff again either. The guy just spent a few days layed up in the hospital with a seized up back. Did you read his Lines article on his surfing life?
Tim has been in this business for a long time. He has personal relationships with many shapers who's boards we sell. We've already seen a couple go down because of the influx of Chinese boards. Would you stand back and watch your friends lose their jobs and livelihood if you had a voice? And 9 out 10 people that come into the shop with a Chinese board for fin or whatever don't even know the board was made in China. It's about educating the new surfer also.
I wrote this from the throne, and now my legs are numb. Gotta go.
that was cool for you to post. They are nice people and I wish them well.
Folly is still a great place to be. It's the surf shops and funky restaurants that make it that way. Not the swanky real estate office(boring!).
Keep having fun and turn on your wave machine!
Ian forgot to inform you (though he did metion the Lines article) that Tim certainly does ( or at least did) surf. Until his back went out. Not all of us are blessed with perfect bodies that let us do everything we used to as kids.
However, anonymous, you are right about business and how it affects how we run our business and lives. But, with that point comes the responsibility to try and do the right thing, even if it's grassroots.
Ian, kudos to you for recognizing Bill. Most people don't seem to understand your sense of dry humor and subtle sarcasm. Obviously, you don't agree with their business plan, but at least you recognize their significance to our community.
Some of us make decisions on how we will make it in our lives...how we do business, how we live and so on.
This is a blog, it's Ian's blog and he can damn well write what he wants when he wants....that's why we live in this place we call a democracy. If you don't agree with him you have that right. Just respect his right to an opinion, let him know yours and let it be. All the ridiculous flaming that people do...anonymously, no less...just shows lack of respect. (Perhaps, it's time to dump the ability to be anonymous, again?) And respect is what makes us better people, practice it occasionaly.
Ok, I have too much time obviously today and wrote this long ridiculous diatribe.
Ian, just turn on the wave machine for me this weekend, please?
The real picture here is at the end of 30 years you see how Ocean and Mckevlins respect each other. Its not easy doing anthing for that amount of time especially a surf shop - in South Carolina. Mckevlins has been around before you and me and that really deserves respect that so many people don't give. But the truth is I worked at Mckevlins and surfed with Tim, he is the most humble man alive and doesn't bad mouth anyone plus he pays for his own boards!
nicely censored
I'm just glad they put that ice machine in the parking lot. That'll keep Woodies patrons from parking there after hours.
30 years ago Ocean Sports was Natural Art Surf Shop, owned by Pete Dooley. Bill bought the place around '83 or '84. Just sayin'.
And Glenn Tanner and Greg Elliot worked at the Natural Art Shop too.
Sad to see Bill go. His shop is/was leaps and bounds better than McKevlins to begin with, mainly because it's not full of surf snobs like Ian.
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