...it was your typical million man march, only about 30 people showed up...

...the city council bobbleheads were intimidating, especially Eddie Ellis on the body of Cheech...

...but our fearless leader G.E. helped ease all qualms...

...its funny I don't see the people who ONLY surf the pier here at the meeting...

...if you ever have to go to a gift shop on Folly beach, here's your guy Paul of Mr. John's Beach Store. Mr. John's Beach Store may be the only other business on Folly Beach still family owned and operated since the 1960's besides McKevlin's Surf Shop...

...meanwhile the pier was doing its thing, and while we were fighting for pier surfers rights...

...this d-bag was sitting inside the 200 foot marker during the meeting. Yes, this is why I'll never claim to be a surfer, but rather a skateboarder who surfs. Thanks for those who did come out and support. The rest of you can go feed a meter.
There were only 1800 seats but 2500 people crammed in to save...the pier.....sorry I mean trestles.
Well we only had seats for 18! What percent is that?
That would be a statistical average of 138.89/actual average of 138 people per seat turnout. So, "Trestles" was that you in the picture posted surfing within the foot marker at the Pier? Making you own political statement?
Thanks to those who did show up. I had every f---ing intention, until my bowels decided at 3:30 that morning to keep within sprinting distance to a toilet!!!
But, I truly thank those who did go...and I don't surf the pier....'cause I refuse to get in anyone's way!
Sorry I couldn't make it, I have a job...especially since there never was a move to "ban surfing" at the pier...it was a hoax...hippies getting worked up over nothing..."the sky is falling, the sky is falling"....and I did get to ride by the pier around 10 that morning but it wasn't near as good as the picture may suggest...but one of your pictured heros was out and within 200 feet of the pier since the west wind was pushing rights instead of lefts. I would say it wouldn't matter since the pier is currently closed so there are no fishermen...but you wait.. it will be the same ole song and dance come spring time... They will ignore the 200 foot rule and the 10 to 6 no surfing rule and the cops will do nothing.... (maybe make one gratuitous bust, only ticketing older locals while allowing the trouble makers to walk)...just like last year and the year before that and the year before that.
And what exactly did they save Trestles from?
a highway
They were going to fill the ocean to build a highway?
Hey grumpy, why don't you go away, you're kinda an a--hole.
are you crying now?
Seriously, what did they "save" Trestles from?
They saved Trestles from makeing is the next Folly Reef complete with parking meters, iggly igglys, Waves and Grumpy "non-action" Locals.
Yea, everyone knows there are no grumpy locals in California... land of fruits and nuts... a brotherhood of surf love...the Malloys and Rob Machoda embracing the world....
Truth is, the wave itself was never in danger, only the easier access would mean all the "active, non-grumpy" locals would have to share with different and more people.... whats that, they don't want to share... Irony?
I always loved the "save our wave but don't come surf here" mentality. Hippycrites.
As far as the "non action" comment..there was no real threat, therefore no action was needed on any surfers part....pretty simple concept really.
I hate I was unable to make it out to the meeting, but I too have a mortgage that demands attention in some form of compensation. But, it was good to see that the surfing community is active and projects unification in a "Small Axe" movement against any potential infringements.
The real action was against jet skis, but since they are in the same ordinance including surfboards and skim boards (and where were the skim boarders during the meeting? Way to go guys.) the language of a new statute could lead to a future ban all 3 "action sports", so there was a reason to show up.
Let's be honest here, Ian. You are not just a skater who surfs, but a skater who works at a surf shop, is opposed to people buying certain surf boards, and has his own surf fucking blog. I hate to say it, but you are a surfer who used to skate.
Howzit Chaz? No way brah. That's a totally bogus harsh dude.
This goes to the bitter little man, "ian". While I share many of your sentiments on a number of local issues you so kindly choose to address (via-blog), I can't help but interject. My name is Matt, I am 21 years old and have been an avid surfer/resident of Folly Beach for a decade. First of all, you're a blogger. Not a surfer or skater... Another condesceding, self-righteous blogger (possibly with a little excess time on his hands?). As far as the Washout scene goes, unfortunately yes, we have all seen it deteriorate into a superficial college frat-fest, but you HAVE to recognize it is unarguably the biggest and most consistent spot on the beach. Yes, there are a lot of dicks out there, but any REAL surfer knows who the true guys/girls are and appreciates/respects their presence in the water, while putting these "dicks" in mere periphery. Second, I know the whole concept of manufacturing surfboards on an assembly line for increased corporate profits, reducing the mass majority of consumers into sheep is immoral, BUT you nor McKevlins Surf Shop can stop that train. And it's a great "statement" and all, but making that conviction(marketing ploy?) a top priority translates into pretention toward the public. And we all know, pretention kinda ruins the vibe(which is what surfings all about, right??). grumpylocal said it best about the Pier ordeal. So instead of being another smart-ass, I suggest transcending the bullshit we all know exists on Folly , and doing your part as a citizen when the opportunity arises. If not for your sake, for mine.
Wow Ian, looks like you have rattled at least one cage today.
MAtt, you're a whole 21 years old and have been surfing folly for 10 year. Gosh, the wisdom you must have. You don't like Mckevlins and what they stand for, go away.
As for you grumpy, trestles would have lost their break because the sediment would be disrupted and the break would have been preminently damaged. Why don't you and matt get together and swap angry stories about how you are so much better than the world the rest of us are just a bunch of patsies.
"As for you grumpy, trestles would have lost their break because the sediment would be disrupted and the break would have been preminently damaged".. Bwaaaha- hahahaha
Absolute rubbish.... Why, because the easier access would lead to marinas and jetties?
A marina I would agree, will destroy the wave. The access would only mean more people.
Or like I asked before, was the highway to be built on the beach at the tide line?
Please humor me and tell me where all the extra sediment will come from and how will it bypass everything between it and the water, while filling in the ocean?
Also tell me why the currents will cease offshore from Trestles thus allowing all the sand to remain in one spot.... because of a new roadway?
Stay on track now... no need for the name calling and noone thinks they are "better than rest of the world".... stick to the facts... chicks discuss things based on emotion and not reality, all the time.... Maybe this anon is a chick... if so please tell me now and I'll leave it alone, because a man cannot discuss anything with an emotional chick!
The entire trestles issue really was nmore about the state park and the trails.
While the possibility of the "wave" being ruined did exist...the true issue at hand was the destruction of land put aside as a State Park.
(See no name calling or anything)
well done.
Name calling? The suggestion that you and matt get together and swap angry stories is not name calling.
I'm not going to humor you with any analysis of trestles and it's sediment issue. If you do not understand or care about the controversy surrounding the construction of the highway on a state park, it really isn't worth the effort at this point.
But..."Located at the coastal estuary of San Mateo Creek, the only un-dammed watershed in Southern California south of Ventura County, the natural sediment flow to Trestles from the nearly pristine watershed, a rock reef, and almost continuous swell combine to create a world-famous surf breaks.
It’s no surprise then that on Sept. 18 Trestles was one of only 12 stops in the world (and the only one in the continental U.S.) for the annual surfing World Championship Tour."
Threats posed by the toll road extension, many of which can never be mitigated, include loss of Trestles’ surf break, impaired creek and ocean water quality, long-term health impacts to surfers and beach-goers, negative impacts to the Donna O’Neill Land Conservancy and Rancho Mission Viejo Open Space, loss of a National Register of Historic Places District, and closure of San Mateo Campground, one of the few affordable coastal state campgrounds for working families and a recreational resource for all Californians.
Run-off from the 241 south toll road, which could include toxic waste like motor oil, engine coolant, and brake and tire particles, would pollute San Mateo Creek and the surf at Trestles, posing threats to human health and potentially causing beach closures due to contaminated water"
As far as the male/female comment, what a stupid thing to say. You put a lot of effort into writing in a semi-articulate manner and then you toss out a comment like that.(no name calling-just qualifying your statement) I know once you can pry you foot out of your mouth, you will take some time and lob another out. Again, no emotion, just the facts.
Wow, this really got out of hand. I was only joking around Ian. These dudes are harsh brah.
believe me ,or my name isn't anonymous, that surfers who use the pier will regret the installation of lifeguards.Every rule ,law ,safety ordinance possible will be put into full force.Thats what lifeguards do .They run up and down the beach blowing their whistles at every infraction. As things are now ,you can sometimes extend that nice right a little too close if no fishermen are there. Even paddle out next to the pier on bigger days .Think will be able to do that with lifeguards on the beach? My guess is we'll get kicked off for the whole season shortly after lifeguardization.
"The entire trestles issue really was nmore about the state park and the trails.
While the possibility of the "wave" being ruined did exist...the true issue at hand was the destruction of land put aside as a State Park." - no agenda
Thank you "no agenda" for a rational, reasonable response...
More emotional, melodramatic conjecture from the anonymous chick....yawn.
grumpy local needs a nap, better get some rest before your mom calls you for dinner. She get's angry when junior is grumpy at the dinner table. "chipper up" grumpy, you know how emotional she can get. Is it spagetti tonight, or is that wednesdays? I always forget.
ouch, good one.. that stung a little.
I know Chaz, but some people just don't see the humor in this. And I'm the bitter one? Geez Louise.
to presidentmonday, or matt, or whoever you are. By the looks of your response, you are just another blogger as well. If you are a true Folly resident you would be promoting a more friendly island rather than generating negativity. We all surf and we all love the ocean. Why can't it just stay like that?
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