...looks like this until late Monday so scratch your surf plans this weekend.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Thursday, February 28, 2008
not to be confused with Planet Follywood...
...this video is called Follywood. Some of the local boys tearing up the Washout in what is, unfortunately, decent conditions for here...
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
once in a eclipsed moon...
...this is the equivalent of me going to church: It happens once every 30 years. Bill Perry and Betty Sue Cowsert stopped in the shop last week for the first time since they started the Ocean Sports shop 30 years ago. They have sold the shop and have been spending time in the Bahamas and just came by to tell Tim they enjoyed competing for the last 3 decades. This is Bill's 2nd time on the blog. In case you forgot the 1st, or are new to the blog, it was here. As a parting gift, we hooked him up with a no-popout t-shirt. Enjoy your retirement!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
properly tweaked round nose fish...
...Cory Lopez is untouchable in the turn tweak department. Check out this super in-depth interview here at this crappy extreme sports website. They forgot the important questions like "What's your favorite food? and What's on your iPod?"
Monday, February 25, 2008
Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water...
...unlike Jaws 2, the 5-fin Shark copies some of the original's key components to make a better Shark. Nice, flat-rockered Folly Beach board and a good all-rounder, we should have some of these in shortly.
Friday, February 22, 2008
hey grumpy...
...Matt Biolos says you need the new, improved version of the RNF. I was going to give you the old one, but you deserve the best.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
...unfortunately the clouds kind of ruined it. Tried to do some long exposure shots, but without a tripod they looked like I was coming off a 3 day bender.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
here comes the drunk Monk...
...the real Monk Fish may not be as pretty as its surf-craft counterpart of the same name, but looks aren't everything...
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Oh no no no, it's a rocket man...
...saw one of these at the ...Lost factory that they had shaped for Jordy Smith. Looks real good but I'm going to need to see something smaller than a 5'8" before I pull the trigger.
Monday, February 18, 2008
...Lost Speed Demon 2...
...when I think back to that old Speed Demon 2 I inherited (5'11" x 18 1/2 x 2" for Chris Bx), it reminds me of old California. Crispy offshore mornings, the smell of poo running through the San Elijo lagoon into the lineup and last but not least, breakfast and delicious coffee at Pipes Cafe. Or even a Pipes burger for lunch...mmm.
Unfortunately, its onshore here, it smells like stale beer and I can't get breakfast or a burger because all of the restaurants have turned into gift shops. Besides, after 4 years of beatings, the Speed Demon 2 succumbed to delamination. She performed 2 years on each coast, saw ankle-high Folly and head-high Blacks, was featured on the ...Lost website here and underwent multiple surgeries. She was passed on to someone outside the family who would be able to handle her last moments with out too much emotion. She was good to us. Rest in pieces...
Friday, February 15, 2008
I'll take one of each...
...here's the intro to the 2008 ...Lost board video that I'll be posting up for the next couple weeks. Stay tuned in or be tuned out...
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
da wickedest just got betta...
....Booyakasha! Aiight, we just got new RNF in stock so check it...
...the nose has been pulled in, making it mo betta for lip smackas...
...and the fins moved slightly forward and the tail has been winged (and even signed by Mayhem) making the quads just as quick on rail as the old skinny tail twins. These boards make my thing move.
*And by thing I mean bank account...and by move I mean decrease.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
New Jersey Slasher faces battle number 4...
...Lost team rider Dean Randazzo, one of the most respected East Coast surfers, the best ever to come out of New Jersey, one of my favorites and an inspiration to all, is going through cancer treatments once again. This is Dean's 4th bout with Hodgkins Lymphoma since 2001. A contest was held last Saturday to help raise money for Randazzo's medical costs in which the winner, Sam Hammer, donated his winnings back to the cause. More on that contest here.
Another fund raiser will be held on a waiting period from March 1st to March 31st, where the surfer photographed on the biggest wave while wearing the yellow "Do it for Dean!" rashguard wins, so check out the Little Nasty Big Wave Event too.
Finally, if you're feeling philanthropic (and don't think I'm being too pretentious again) their is the Dean Randazzo Cancer Foundation. The foundation is not for Dean's benefit, but was started by Dean to help others facing the same obstacles. You can make a donation here. Even my broke ass made a small donation. At some point in our lives we'll all know someone with cancer. It only takes a little, and you can feel good knowing that you helped someone along the way. Karma.
Monday, February 11, 2008
how surf companies get bad local reputations...
...this board got traded in and the guy said it wasn't real responsive. Might have been the traction pad placement, ineffectively turning this 6'3" into a 5'5". All summer long I'll overhear little conversations between friends talking about surfboards and junk. I can here the rumors circulating through his group of friends right now:
...dude, I heard Sharpeye surfboards suck. Antoine had one and he said it didn't go vertical at all.
...dude, I had a Creatures of Leisure traction pad and it blew. The arches are in the wrong spot and my foot kept getting stuck.
...dude, don't get a board with FCS fins. They suck. Well, they just do.
Well, I agree with one of those, so maybe they're not rumors...
Friday, February 08, 2008
a successful million man march on city hall...
...it was your typical million man march, only about 30 people showed up...

Thursday, February 07, 2008
for those who only surf the washout...
...these guys just got down from Ohio for spring break and found out they couldn't surf the pier...
...guess where they're going? Besides child star rehab. Yeah that's right, the Wash. I never get sick of saying "Yeah, the Washout. Its 2 miles down this road and you'll see parking on the right. Its the best place to surf on the beach and thats where the real surfers go." Have fun!
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
new to the ($615) dollar menu: The Fishcuit...
...with a name like Fishcuit, you'd expect to find it on the menu next to the McRib...
...I'm not buying any more Channel Islands, so someone else is going to have to tell you how it rides. If its anything like the Biscuit, it'll be great for mushy Folly Beach days, which is every spring and summer swell we get.
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
the fog...
...heavy fog the past 2 days has rendered all local surf-cams useless. The true beauty in nature is what cannot be seen...
...commence drooling now. This board would be perfect in the fog-induced glass conditions right now...
...6 channel TIE Fighter...
...or 6'1"x 18.38x 2.25 K-board? Its up to your imagination.
Monday, February 04, 2008
Slater to Brady before the game: "I warmed her up for you"...
...worst. song. ever. As a kid my dad and I would go to Giants games for free because his friend who worked the press elevator at Giants Stadium would sneak us in with used ticket stubs. I don't care too much for football really, but it brings back good memories, and the Patriots are a bunch of cheaters. Brady got his for showing his face around New York before the game.
Friday, February 01, 2008
6 more weeks of winter...
...well I got to work today and saw my shadow (work shadow that is) so it looks like we'll have a another 6 weeks of winter this year. Here is my shadow Sam and myself with his favorite board in the shop. We both have a soft spot for the ...Lost round nose fish and for obvious reasons: best. board. ever.