Wednesday, August 08, 2007

f-bomb + lord's name in vain = int-IR-ference...

...wasn't such a good idea to set up next to the Christian Surfer's tent for the contest last weekend, especially with my fiery New Jersey vernacular. Moments before my heat I dropped my new sunglasses lens first into the sand and let out a "Jesus F*#@in' Christ," much to the dismay of my neighboring tent's occupants (and my mother). Something about breaking some kind of commandment was uttered... Then I got some mysto interference call during my heat causing me to get the coveted "dirty turd," otherwise known as last place in layman's terms. Maybe prayer in numbers does work...


Anonymous said...

me and my muslim brothers will be out there for the next competition. Why not where your religion on your sleeve in all you do. Christian grocery shoppers, christian bar hoppers, christian mechanics, christian pogo stickers, christian bbqer's, christian hair cutters, christian weight lifters... I'm not really a muslim, but you get my point. Next time there's a competition I'm gonna come by with my "f*ck your christian god" t-shirt. I don't compete so I can't get any mysto call on me. I've been calling out these christian wack jobs for some time now, so I don't think all their prayin' is helpin'.

Anonymous said...

amen bro

Anonymous said...

so whats wrong with being a christian?

Anonymous said...

There is nothing wrong with being a christian or a muslim or a witch or a druid or a hindu or a budhist. Its my opinion that putting it out there in such an overt way is invasive. Why does it matter that you are a christian when you are surfing. who really gives a shit. Certainly not us non-christians. Why is it so important to put it out there. You don't see my group "agnostic surfers" with a tent, or any other group for that matter. They just look stupid that's all.

Anonymous said...

Nice post, and thank you for speaking up. Ohh, and whats wrong with being christian well lets start with the fact that you preach hate towards gay people. and stoping acting like you are so right, try being a little more open minded and really loving everyone.

Anonymous said...

if there were more people like those in the christian tent the world would be a better place.

what is different about their tent that makes it setup in such an "overt way".

should they be placed in a "special" christians only section? this could be similar to how society treated other groups in the not too recent past.

imagine the backlash if you said you felt a black or womens surfers group setting up a tent was invasive. is it ok since they are chrisitans?

why is setting up their tent invasive.

not that anything is wrong with mckevlin's tent, why is his not not invasive, what makes it less overt, what about people who chose to do business with other surf shops, why should they be subjected to his surf logo.

get off your copy cat high-horse beliefs, take a good look inside yourself and see if you were bothered by them because they are christians and its cool to blast groups like that, do you hold similar beliefs about others that are different from you. lets here you get on here and blast them like that.

Anonymous said...

the religious lobby is as out of the place as the mekevlins lobby would be at a religious event.

Anonymous said...

Well if you must know, it is my opinion that ALL religions are full of shit. If you want to worship some magical god/gods, that fine, but I think they all such. They all preach hate and intolerance and if you took a hard look at humanity you would see that the religions of the world are responsible for more killings of other people than anything else. So I will bash all organized religions, I think they all suck, including the wack job christians. The christian hokus pokus mumbo jumbo doesn't belong at a surf event or anywhere else in the world beyond your church. Why don't they suck it up and do something useful in the world like promote love and peace rather than hate and war. If jesus were real, he'd really be proud of the "christian surfers" rock on dudes, continue hating gays, environmentalist, and the poor. Go to church on sunday to save your soul and maybe if you pray hard enough they'll let you take all your money and your landrover decked out with cool surfing stickers to heaven with you-totally awesome!

Anonymous said...

All of this reminds me of my starbucks Carmel Macchiato that I bought this morning - well you know that retard protector they but on the cups so that we don't get burnt and sue - well there was a movie advertisement on it! It pissed me off so bad that I bought a Pop Out, frosted my hair and moved to IOP.

Anonymous said...

as for women and African american organizations-neither is inherently taking a moral position and trying to promote it. Women and African americans are what they are at birth and both have been suppressed and discriminated against by...white christians of all things for many years and to this day, so as a white guy, again, its my opinion that if they want to organize, I think they should. And lets not cry for the poor christians. Let's face it, you make up 80% of the country, you jam your beliefs down everyone throat and they whine about it when you are called out. christians have no right to ever compare themselves to ANY minority group in this world. There has never been a more over indulged and pampered bunch of whiners in this world. And please, don't ask for examples. I could go back 200 years.

Anonymous said...

i never said or implied christians should be compared to any other group (minority or not).

my point is: its been stated in this thread that a christian group with their tent is "invasive", "out of place ", "doesn't belong at a surf event ..." etc. While I tend to disagree, these are all beliefs that your are free to hold. But I am asking why should one group of people be descriminated against just because you disagree with their them or their beliefs. If you honestly believed in treating EVERYONE equally then you would have a problem with groups that are based on sex or race and you would have the guts to speak out against them as well.

For me personally, i do not agree in the principals behind sex or raced base groups. I feel their part of their agenda (in a subtle way) "preach hate and intolerance" towards those of a different sex or race.

your response is a perfect example why all these (YOU) PC people have no problem critizing/bashing/talking about christians, white people, men etc. yet are too scared to speak negatively about women, other races, other nationalities.

"as for women and African american organizations-neither is inherently taking a moral position and trying to promote it" -- VERY TRUE. THE CHRISTIANS DO. THAT IS PART OF THE BASIC CHRISTIAN BELIEF. however the "women and African american organizations" are taking a political position and trying to promote it. there basic nature in these types of orginization is no different than christian groups except one has moral motivations and the others political motivations. so why is it ok to discriminate groups whose foundation is based on religion and not discriminate on groups whos foundation is political. There are as many differing political views as religious views.

i am sure it's fairly easy to see that i am a white male christian and generally lean more to the right than left politically. I have friends of both sexes various races. They are chosen on their personal character not becuase they are this or that or i need to make sure i need x friends of y race and z gender. I have also stated that i disagree with certain beliefs and political type groups. not once have I said that i felt they should be excluded and do not belong at certain places.

all i am asking is why people that scream for equality, and equal rights and welcome with open arms the "suppressed and discriminated against" people of this world, yet want and try to suppress and discriminate against a group that does not share the same beliefs as you... ANSWER THAT

Anonymous said...

The simple answer is no Christian Surfers Tent - leave your religion at home, that’s fine. Bring your favorite surf shops tent, surf wax tent, surfboard brand tent, but not Christian Surfers Tent. Do you understand what everyone is trying to say - the surf contest is about surfing not what religion surfer you are. It’s real simple.
Becasue I'm not sitting under a tent that says I love beer and ladies!

Anonymous said...

Wearing ones religion on "ones sleeve" so to speak is overt and out of place at a surf event or in public or at work for that matter. Notice that there were no "African american" surf tents or "women" surf tents. So to compare the christian surfers to them is irrelavant.

As far as being some liberal PC person, you are way off on your label. I have not spoken about other groups because they have not been a topic in this tread. You're getting this from the other side. I have lots to say about other groups. That's a typical right wing response and a real cop-out.

Slamming other people has nothing to do with guts. As far as hate and separation, I think all groups that simply promote the "oneness" of who they are promote exclusion to some extent. I don't like gyms that have a separate "women" section-I think that's bullshit.

You are wrong to label black or womens groups as political. they was equal rights-they don't get them so they organize. That's not political. The christian group is both religious and political.

I'm telling you this. If the black panthers and NARL showed up at the washout with a group of surfers I'd give them shit too. They didn't...get it, only the christian jackasses did and do. That's why I'm giving them shit. They don't belong there anymore than the NAACP or planned parenthood or any other political/social/or religious organization. But notice that planned parenthood and NAACP aren't there, are they? Why can't we just get rid of that shit. Leave it out of surfing, we don't want it, we don't need it.

And I won't even go down the road about discrimination. You christians have cornered the market on that. Bunch of god dammed hypocrits.

Anonymous said...

those people have every right to put there tent up.if you find it offensive then move down the beach where you wont have to see it.

Anonymous said...

Wow, this is lively. One thing about the Christian Surfers tent, I walked by and saw a dude I recognize from the surf. He gave me a cold bottle of water. No preaching, no questions, no "you better think this way or that way", he simply gave me some water....So what if they displayed the name of their club on the tent.... it's a frikkin surf club, and some them do well in the competitions... and you know good and well if the NAACP or NOW or Blackpanthers or any club who had a "surf club", with surfers participating in the event, they would be welcome to raise a tent and have the name of their club displayed.... So what...if you don't like it, move down the beach, don't talk to them, don't look at them... most of all, don't hate on them for being there. Also, don't stand around a bunch little kids dropping the f-bomb. I aint been to church in over 20 years but I'll ask you to watch your mouth around the little ones.

This one whack-job wants to stereo type a whole society of "christians", and make it out that Pat Robertson was out there with a bullhorn telling everyone how to live and who to hate while wearing a t-shirt that says "f*ck you if don't think how I do". Personally if I saw someone wearing a t-shirt in public with "f*ck your christian god", I would label the individual a selfish, arrogant idiot who is oblivious to the fact that they share the earth with other people.

Get off your holier than thou high horse and get over yourself. What ever happened to freedom of speech, live and let live?

Go pump some more steriods and iron!

Another example of why I'm not as much pro conservative as I am anti liberal.

Anonymous said...

Let me say this a couple of people here have done a super job of posting their beliefs without making personal attacks against those who have a different view point. good job - that makes for a much more civil and enjoyable exchange of thoughts and beliefs.

I was not there so I can't say whether or not other "groups" set up tents. But based on some comments here there I am led to believe the Christians were the only "group" that set up a tent and/or banner. Is that true, were there no Women/Wahine that set up shop out there. I have no problem if there were. My only question is IF they were out there, why was that ok and the Christian tent not.

I can only imagine the comments that would be made if the Christian surfers held and sponsered a Christian Surfing Classic. While at the same time a Wahine Classic would be praised over and over.

I am not for one minute saying or thinking anything is wrong with having a Wahine Classic. I am merely pointing out how it seems people who speak out so strong and loud about equal rights, no discrimination etc show no tolerance with those whose view disagree with their on. The very rights they are working so for for themselves they deny to those the disagree with or dislike. To me that looks rather hypocritical.

I am still trying to determine if groups with differing beliefs are welcome in other places/events like football games, street festivals, schools etc, they just they are not welcome when it comes to YOUR SURFING events.

I would never deny that women and blacks were oppressed and disriminated against. Its true and very unfortunate. My personal belief is making a choice whether it be employment, friendship political appointment where a persons sex,race, religion political beliefs is dead wrong. I have been a part of government and private business for over 20 years. I have worked with, hired and had to let go more people than i can remember. To make statements that women and blacks continue to be discriminated against reeks of hyprocracy. I am sure it is a true statement and its unfortunate that wrong/immoral and illegal practice will continue. However, I see on a daily basis where they practice the same actions against others that are different from them. Is it right for them to impose on others the same sanctions they fight so hard for themselves. Are they not engaging in the same tactics that were used against them? Is it ok to do that since it was so blaintly used against them in the past. If I and an individual wanted to start my own business why cant I get the same assistance as an equally qualified woman or black. If I wanted to earn a contract for business with the government why should my competitors be given additional points for being a woman or minority owned business.

The main point I am trying driving home is how hyprocritical/inconsistant some people sound when they want to ostracize one group just because they do not share in the same beliefs.

Anonymous said...

i don't see it as a liberal /right wing debate at all.First of all,there are many many types of
christians .Some of the strangest are what I call"South Carolina Christians".They're pro death penalty ,anti welfare,and they think they are the only Christians.
Sure ,they got a right to be "out there"(at the contest),but they should be able to take the criticism that goes with it. Same as when they plaster their religion all over their boards ,they invite it.
what amazes me ,and what I find insulting from religion pushes is that they seem to think the rest of us have never given the subject any thought at all.
Isn't there a biblical quote somewhere that says something like "do not go into the temple to pray ,where you will be seen by all ,but pray to your lord in private,alone."(with apologies to the author)

I.R. said...

I'll see you guys at church on Sunday...

Anonymous said...

This can be solved by setting up a tent that says non-Christians in the church on Sunday; we can all sit under it! Oh, wait would you not like that there.

Anonymous said...

Well,the main difference I would see in that scene, the Christian Surf Club is at a surf contest and are competetors in said contest. If you were to go to a church on a Sunday and put up a "non-christian" tent, you would only be there to cause trouble and not so much part of the "event".

Lets dumb it down to a simple scenario and a simple question.

Scenario: ESA surf contest, you see a guy who surfs in the contest with a t-shirt that says "Charleston Christian Surf Club". You also see a guy who is just there to be there, with a t-shirt that says "F*ck your Christian God".

Question: Who is being more obtrusive in shoving their personal beliefs in your face?

Anonymous said...

Well when your religious beliefs, that you are putting on display for all at the surf contest to see stats that you are against:
Gay Rights
Then you decide, because you are saying that I, my family and my friends are bad people.

Anonymous said...

I don't think they have a problem with divorce. Thats another type christian.

Anonymous said...

every one is making an asumption,from what i read the christian surf club said nothing in the way of religion.they did not try to convert anyone,they are a surf club with a tent and how anyone can worked up over that is beyond me.the real hatred from what i have read here is form the non christians.people are people,some bad some good ,does not matter if they are a christian or not.will rogers once said "i have never meet a man i did not like"think about what that means!

Anonymous said...

Everyone please stop quoting!

Anonymous said...

Famous Quote
Kim Jong Il: "When you see Arec Barrwin, you see the true ugriness of human nature."

Anonymous said...

In defense of my friends and brothers and sisters in Christ, these guys are not only great surfers (check out Todd Brazell's and Chris Costa's contest results for the Governor's Cup), but good people, too. They are not the self-righteous people that they are made out to be by some of the comments that have been anonymously posted. For the past two years, as an organization, they have lent their time and resources to helping local surfers in the area, as well as contributing to and participating in ESA events. In short, their prescense on the beach has been positive and non-confrontational. They don't shove their beliefs in your face or down your throats, but rather try to demonstrate their faith through their actions in all aspects of their lives. If you'd like to hear what they have to say, they invite you to ask. Otherwise, they invite you to have a bar of wax, some water, whatever they have and can give you.

It may be of interest to point out that McKevlins has been a sponsor, along with other Charleston surf shops, of the local Christian Surfers events. These events are typically free, or close to free, and are open to all that would like to go.

Anonymous said...

well now, this is pretty ridiculous, all this ugly talk about our very fine Christian friends. They're all really really nice, helpful & sincere......I've never heard a single one criticize or judge anyone on the beach or off. They're the first ones to offer help before, during & after our surfing events, and never once have I had a religious discussion with anyone in the CSC. Not that I wouldn't, but lo and behold, most of the talk is about surfing.

Anonymous said...
"Well when your religious beliefs, that you are putting on display for all at the surf contest to see stats that you are against:
Gay Rights
Then you decide, because you are saying that I, my family and my friends are bad people."

Huh? that's what you think ALL Christians believe? Hard to fight ignorance like that.

Come on out to the next contest and help somebody with something. Idle hands are the devils workshop ya know!

Anonymous said...

it seems the concept of "live and let live' is a bit lacking in some parts of the sunny south---heck maybe in large chunks of america.....but the surf looked fun at the contest....hatte to post anonymous, but i forgot my password---hey! that means i'm human and like all of us is/are imperfect!

Anonymous said...

I didn't know this was a religion blog...personally i wouldn't care if the ardvark hunters association put their name up on the banner and set a tent up on the beach. I have my own qualms with certain organized religions and I used to write them off because all I thought about was all the death in the name of religion both past and present. But religion does a lot of good for the world too. My personal difficulty is when religions subscribe to the 'if you're not in our club, your going to hell'. That I can't stand and that represents my biggest problem with religion. But I think the structure and (most) of the values gained from religion are helpful and lead to more people handing out water to thirsty passerbyes or giving out a bar of wax. I'd be stoked to walk by the christian surf tent thirsty and waxless and benefit from their kindness.
Proclaiming that they shouldn't be on the beach makes you the very thing you're claiming to hate so much...and that's where my problem with the far left lies...I like that..."not so much pro right as much as anti-left"...
go surfing, stop complaining, give someone a bottle of water, see ya in the church of the open sky

Anonymous said...

I have read through this entire blog and I have not seen one comment saying they cannot attend as a christian surf club. I think people are simply reacting to the fact that they are associating their religion with a surf event. I also find it funny that their supporter would label the critics as left wing and "pc" people. Criticizing a religion is certainly not politically correct and there are a lot of devote religious liberals. I know the guy who put out the most critical comment is he's a libertarian, hardly a liberal.

I just do not think the csc should be immune to the criticism of their religion. Like a previous poster said, the southern christian majority is responsible for a lot of hatred. Period, end of story. If you wish to consider yourself a christian that does not embrace the beliefs of YOUR leaders, you have to do more than just give me free water and a bar of wax. People like pat robertson, jerry falwell and james dodson do not promote tolerance and acceptance of others. Those are just a few and I challenge any of you christians out there to give me a main stream southern christian leader who will love thy neighbor as thy self, including gays, women who have had abortions, democrats and the list could go on.

That is why people feel uneasy about having the csc at a surf event. Southern christians do not have a good record so I think you all should get off your high horses and put your money where your mouth is. Give me some names and some articles to support your position. Also, if my gay friend shows up with his partner, will they give him water and wax. I'm not asking the question to be a wise ass, I'm serious.

I think I wrote what I thought without throwing out insults or bad language. Even us leftist conspirators can play nice once in a while.

Anonymous said...

Yea he and his friend can have as much water and shade as they want. No prob. We are there to serve, not to judge. I am a believer in Jesus and i want to personally apologize for any misrepresentation that myself or any other Christians have diplayed of what it means to follow Christ.

I.R. said...

I personally don't feel uneasy in their presence and definitely don't associate my Christian friends with the likes of the television ego-evangelists like Pat Robertson and friends. I didn't necessarily feel as guilty about using the lord's name in vain as I did using expletives in front of children. I think every group should be able to set up a tent, as long as its not obscene (check obscenity on Wikipedia). Freedom of speech must be preserved at all costs.