Thursday, August 30, 2007

no Nike in surfing...

*this video contains adult language, recreational tobacco use and my sentiments exactly. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Ah, the youth of America.

Anonymous said...

about the pot smoking, it seems like unless this was about pro-pot or surfing it would weaken the validity of the dudes statements. but i think the point is clear.

Anonymous said...

This is why lost is such a great company - they have team riders that ride for Nike and do they care about offending someone - no! The world could use a bit more honesty, like if I saw a man walking down the street in croks I would say something like "wow you look like a total douche, I bet your pop out is melting wax all over the inside of you Scion right now!"

Remember there are many colors in the homo rainbow and don't be affraid to let your Nike's shine!

Anonymous said...

i never realized surfers were such fashion police. who cares? The hard core surf companies are just as greedy and exploitive as non-surf companies,always have been .
Thats the silly, shallow side of surfing. whats done on land ,so to speak. Whats important about surfing is whats done in the water.
But surf shops don't survive selling boards,its all about fashion .But maybe its me, I can go in a surf shop,and find nothing I need (cept boards and wax).If the shops didn't have (silly,shallow) fashion they wouldn't exist.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't Nike already own Hurley? Not only do I not like to see Nike buying thier way into the surf industry; I find thier running shoes do not hold up as well as some other brands.

I.R. said...

Buy New Balance. Made in the USA and not trying to sponsor surf groms.