Friday, August 17, 2007

no #2's on the tour bus...

...rock 'n' roll is a complicated thing. There are unwritten rules such as you can steal your band mates girl, but by no means can you "deuce it up" on the tour bus. Needless to say when Thunder Lip arrived several bands members had broken into the mud butt sweats and were eager to use our facilities, which, much to their dismay, had a line of kids waiting as well. Eventually they blew up the bathroom and then proceeded to blow up the parking lot with some Iron Maiden-esque rock 'n' roll...


Anonymous said...

thanks for the support and your well kept facilities

Anonymous said...

im surprised the city of folly didn't find a way to get a ticket on the windshield

Anonymous said...

Wow, nice job IR - beers at work?