Surfboard demo tomorrow from 10:00 am until 2:00 pm at the contest shack at the washout. Boards available include a 6'3" Lost Shark XTR, 6'3" Allison GT Fish, 6'10" Mckevlin's Fun Shape, 6'0" CI Biscuit, 6'2" Sharp Eye SB1 Quad, 5'5" and 5'8" Lost RNF's, 5'10" Sharp Eye GL3, 9'6" Bing Silver Spoon, 5'10" CI Shashimi, 5'10" Lost Monk Fish, and a few others.
Surf forecast is calling for a little wind chop surf so try to make it out if you can.
you go from 6 something to nine something with nothing in between .there's a whole world you left out.
It's called "fat old guy world", and it was left out on purpose. They had to give you something to complain about. How much are they charging? Nothing, huh? What other shops do this for you guys? None. Unappreciative "internet surfers" always looking for something for nothing. They gave away a f'ing brand new board last week!!! "Wahhh, there's no funshapes at the demo, wahh..." Did you want to try a 7'2" instead of the 7'6" you usually ride, but you're afraid to make the jump blindly? I feel for you.
Right on Ian! If you have to ride a fun shape you're probably just a summertime / weekend warrior wanna-be. You probably stand around the water cooler at work telling your co-workers how you're shredding the gnar at the Washout when it is ankle high wind chop. McKevlin's is the only shop I've ever heard of that lets you try out new boards. I'm a big guy and I'm not bitching.
ask ben aipa about 7 '6".
struck a nerve?
telling someone what to ride is like telling someone what kind off music to listen to.
Are you saying I should l buy my 7'2 ,7'4 7'6 &8'0 elsewhere ,geez.
and my 6'2 ,my 6'6 ' ,& 6'8 too .
, sorry , just a suggestion , Tim's a friend ,and i think it would help him sell boards.
Now is the 9' '6 ok?
it doesn't matter whether its free ,if you have no use for it.
what does it matter what the other shops do? Act ,don't react.
who are these unappreciative internet surfers,lets get em.
I hadn't planned on going anyway ,don't cry ,tho ,its just that all of tims midranges are way too heavy for my taste,and they've been in the shop forever.
you guys at mckevlins take yourselves WAY too seriously.I've seen ya'll in the water,(those of you who surf).Y'all don't need to be schooling anybody about equipment.
Fashion consultants ,perhaps.
Good luck and sorry to bring out such anger.but enuf with the waah waah someone suggested something-waah waah--by all means .enjoy your day at the beach.
I don't even work at the shop. Everybody's Tim's friend, and it seems you all take advantage of him any chance you get.
The point is the economy is in the shittah and surf shops are closing left and right. Tim try's to provide some free stoke to the public, which in turn might peak the interest of someone to try a new board and possibly make a purchase, and your complaining that their isn't a free egg for you to ride. You're the type of person who goes to the auto show and complains that the 2010 short bus isn't available for viewing. Go get a paddle.
tim goes out of his way to offer "free"things for the surf community,i don't see other shops doing what he does.and you have anonymous crying because tim does not have enough free boards.you sound like a welfare mama crying because her "free"check is not enough.to make matters worse you come on his web page to bitch.grow up man!
Wow some of you get so aggro when there is no swell. Relax fools. It was free. And I ride a funshape. I won't brag about how killer I am either. Get over your bro brah attitudes. I'm sure my six year old has more heart for the sport than a majority of you.
As those who know me will attest to, I AM a OLD FAT ASS with limited talent.
That being said, I have no complaints with the board selection. I would have loved to have used the Bing, but I decided not to bring my groms and have them beat the hell out of every other board. That's my choice and my own fault for not getting out there...
But, to bitch about the selection??? Yeah I'd like a few in betweener's, but get real. These are new boards (well not counting that mint green ...lost that won't go away).. There is no shop in the area doing that but McKevlin's. That's not a knock on other shops, it's just the truth. Kudos to Tim for still allowing it to take place. And, for giving away a NEW board for just coming into the shop, no purchase, no gimmick other than knowing what to say. (Which was platered all over the internet for those who do "just surf the 'net).
The only people taking themselves too seriously are ourselves with these stress releasing posts on a blog read by six people.
Thank you for the board demo and the opportunity to try them out, even if they were'nt right for all of us.
Good day.
Oh and by the way I.R. Nice pic on Surfy Surfy...you only looked half retarded.
"I AM a OLD FAT ASS with limited" wouldn't it be AN old fat ass?
Sorry... but I know you wouldn't pass up a grammer correction opportunity.
Drew you got me....see old age does that to you.
when you're pushing thirty and still working at mckevlins ,you don't need to be telling anyone what to ride.
One persons" suggestion" is anothers "complaint."
but Tim would never call his customers names for suggestion he left out about a third of all surfboards.
Quit crying waah waah caused you left out a major category (because fat people dont ride longboards ,I guess).
Sorry ,its just that I get sick of hearing minimum wage ,lifelong MCKevlins employees crying every time someone suggest something they didn't think of first. Then the name calling if they don't ride what the Mckev's crew deems ok
.Just giving a board away doesn't make you right .
Tim ,if you're reading this ,I hope its not a fat old guy world to you .Your employees are telling me to shop elsewhere,
To the rest of the crew,good luck with your career.
The only thing I could understand from this post by "Anonymous" was that he must be an "old fat guy." Also, that he or she seems to be pissed off that the younger employees of McKevlin's ride shortboards and work at a surf shop. I just wish that some bloggers would take a minute to proof read, use upper and lower case where appropriate. And above all make sense. Perhaps boning up on your elementary school grammer would help. Surf on and enjoy.
Hey... I'm 23.
Ok ok I'm really not Tim's friend I'm his buddy.
I'm also a gay homophobe, a shredding kook and mostly I like to judge people by what they do for a living and how much they make but don't tell me what to ride or judge me.
I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm an anonymous oxyMORON.
Hey anon from above. I am not anon. My name is Dave and I surf the washout and the pier when ever it is good. I also know the McKevlins employees well. They are good kids and avid surfers. They are in the water more and surf better than you I am sure. Your comments really pissed me off. These kids are pushing thirty as in... they are in their twenties which I am sure you are well past as well am I. To make fun of them for working in a surf shop well...have you ever noticed that Tim only hires like one person a year..maybe. Do you think these kids have not figured something out. Also, my friends that have left i.e. Ian Chris etc have mostly left for better waves not money. I think Tim treats people well, alot better than your insurance sales job that pays your 800 dollar mortgage(with a five and ten year arm on a house worth half as much as you paid for it) in some cookie cutter siding hood in west ashley. I know for a fact that some of these kids have families, homes, nice cars, live on the beach and cash as well as hook ups to surf better waves around the world than you could imagine or definitly handle. The fact that they put on a free surf demo is great and for you to bash these kids, their job, and their integrity is ridiculous.
So here is my deal. While I do realize you were drunk(as usual) when you typed your entry, this is no excuse. I am looking forward to finding out who you are and banging your wife/girlfriend just to piss you off. They will not say anything to you of course but than I won't call and break their pasty white heart.
Than, I will humiliate you at the washout by telling you to leave and breaking your paddleboard in front of your kids...they will cry and you will act like you are going to do something, but you won't. I just want them to know that their father is a pussy for the rest of theair lives.
Than I will call up your girl again, bang her in your bed than leave. She will leave you thinking she finally found a real man. But guess what, I am gone and she was to old, fat and nasty.
This will be great.
Than, = Then,
That Dave guy ripped "anony mouse" a new one!!!
Biggest LOL I've ever gotten from the blog....
I'm glad to piss you off . Doesn't sound like you needed much help ,tho .
I stand by my original post ,before the name calling , about excluding the mid range sizes.There is a whole world left out.
McKev's employee name calling just proves if you've lived around here very long ,you've heard jokes about the McKev's crew.
And other than fistfighting ,no real counterpoint .
If you are so right ,prove me wrong.
A funshape is a funshape is a funshape. Shortboards are still evolving. Thus, demos can be helpful when selecting a new board to puchace. One more time...a funshape is a funshape is a funshape. If you've ridden one you've ridden them all! And working in a surf shop is way more fun than my job! And I earn pretty good money too!
Yeah, it's like the difference between driving a pick up truck and a performance car. Driving a truck is pretty much the same and that anonymous guy probably has to have one to load his assortment of 7'4" - 8'0" NSPs when he pulls up to the Washout to check out the surf in his GMC monster truck, smoking a cig, talking smack about McKevlin's and how he was tearing it up on his last trip to Costa. All the while taking a half hour to squeeze into his (triple) XXXL wettie. Hey, just leave the kids at McKevlins alone you weenie. At least they do something for the surf community, what have you done?
A quiver is a quiver.you insult the dudes boards ,he insults the shop.
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