... is six days away. Celebrated last year with a stormed out board demo, this year we are doing something different.

If you have been by the shop more then a few times you probably have seen a Channel Islands MSF (single fin) hanging above your head.
You may even have thought to yourself, "I'd like to have one of those 'Merrick' single fins to mess around on."

But then you saw the price and for $750 dollars you could get a pretty awesome shortboard or fish, even longboard. And just like that your dreams of retro bliss fade away.

The same old story over and over again, well not on International Go Surfing Day. This July 20th we will be having a drawing for this gorgeous 6'1" Channel Islands MSF. To enter the drawing just stop by the shop on June 20th and wish us a happy international go surfing day and you will receive an entry. We will only accept entries on the 20th and the drawing will be held at 5:30. You do not have to be here during the drawing to win but you do have to come in to drop off an entry slip. One per person so you can't get one for your bro bra.

But then you saw the price and for $750 dollars you could get a pretty awesome shortboard or fish, even longboard. And just like that your dreams of retro bliss fade away.

The same old story over and over again, well not on International Go Surfing Day. This July 20th we will be having a drawing for this gorgeous 6'1" Channel Islands MSF. To enter the drawing just stop by the shop on June 20th and wish us a happy international go surfing day and you will receive an entry. We will only accept entries on the 20th and the drawing will be held at 5:30. You do not have to be here during the drawing to win but you do have to come in to drop off an entry slip. One per person so you can't get one for your bro bra.
We are still having a board demo, but that won't be until the 27th.
Drew, what are the dimensions?
(Just in case I were to actually win it, I need to know if it would float my fat old ass.....)
Good stuff
6'1 x 20 x 2 3/4", plenty of foam for any one's fat ass.
The biscuit is basically a single fin with a sanded finish and thruster set up.
First Class!
can i enter from the internets..
You have to come by the shop on sat. to enter. So no, no using the internets for entrance.
Riddle me this? Anonymous posting is back on? Why I ask? Is it because their are no comments? Is it a numbers game? No comments equals no good? Do you need to be validated? A 34 comment post is just a rant about parking meters anyway. Have I been drinking? Riddle me yes.
everyones anonymous ,so what.
Dear riddler, people were having trouble using the open ID option. Don't drink and type.
Well then don't use the open ID, just hit name....if you can't figure that out, good luck opening your 40oz.
lemme get this straight.
someone who doesn't want his name known
doesn't want anyone posting
without a fake name
that is different from the other fake names
psst, they're all fake names
He is right... my real name is Andrew.
Did I win it???
Ian can vouch for me
Hey Drew,
I wanted to thank you and everyone at the shop for the Channel Islands MSF, it is a beautiful board. I cant tell you how much I appreciate it! It will certainly go to good use, hopefully we will get some waves sometime soon so I can give it a real test run. Anyway thanks again,
I can't believe a lifeguard won the board. FEAR THE PELIGRO!!
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