...if you have walked up these stairs before you have over-paid for parking. Band together and stop further parking enforcement. The ocean is free, so why should you have to pay to park near it. Stop the exploitation of our natural resource, not the city's.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Büro vom Führer von den parkenden Nazis...
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i guess we can chalk it up to tourist season, and the influx of more and more people calling charleston their home. It seems the larger the houses are getting, the larger your violation is. I've never "overpaid" a parking ticket, but i also haven't paid to surf, IOP is still free to park, i'm sure not for long, seeing that there is a recent boom of construction; that i hope gets swallowed by the next surge.
You still live in California, right? If so, then your absolute allegiance to defending the rights of Folly and its people from across the country is very admirable. It still is appreciated if you don't live in California, but not as impressive.
ok.... i now see that was posted by Ian... none the less, i still needed to get that out..
you would have to pay me to surf IOP
The day before I left Folly I got a ticket even though I had a valid sticker. He wasted a 1/2 hour of my time due to his lack of diligence.
But the issue here is the not the nazi, its the whole parking fiasco.
This aggression wil not stand, man.
you can tacky up the washout with florida palms and pine straw but folly is still a ghetto.it just looks like a k-mart country club.
I know a girl who had one unpaid parking ticket . the 2nd time she got a $300 boot!
This all came about because surfers on folly have absolutely no organization of any kind.
The mayor and his clowns are to blame.
Pour glue in the meters.
what did that sign in the marsh say?
shop local ,
support local ,
hey james islander where YOU going?You can't park there -you think you LIVE here?
Sorry locals only
- let the restaurants and businesses know how you feel-remember 8 am ticketing starts soon! You know ,gotta get those "tourists" to pay their share .(Like those tax paying businesses on Folly would even be there without people from off island.)
Besides ,SCarolina has the half penny sales tax in place,one of the most liberal laws in the country for taxing visitors.Folly is especially lucky in this regard because ,thanks to visitors like us ,they have a lot of business contributing to the half penny fund for the relatively small population of the town.
The mayor owns the pak mail knockoff behind walgreens so remember to help the community and boycott the scum.
me again,shoulda proof meself ,but i didn't mean to imply that the nazi mayor was to blame for the surf communities leadership problems .he's to blame for the parking problem .
The surfers are to blame for not being together .There are ,believe it or not ,local surfers who support pay parking ,although none that claim to surf the washout.They don't care because it doesn't effect them.Or they live on Folly and don't care.
Whatever you do ,just don't give the parking nazis money . walk. walk no matter how far they extend the signs(coming soon).
Whats ironic is that on every friggin real estate/tourist brochure you see on folly ,how do they always describe folly? There it is ,the laid back surfer town every single time.
destroy the parking meters......enough said
Do something.
boycott boycott boycott
ALL folly businesses.
attention business owners-call city hall ,write a letter supporting us ,do something and we shall return the support.
Folly Curren- do an article-your community needs you.
Sounds like someone had more than their rights violated.... hehehe
Ahhh. So it's time to reopen this can o'worms, is it?
Time to order a few cases of super glue from Rose Hardware...
Or crank up the rental concrete saw from Lowes...
It is so lame that there is a parking fee now. If it was only 25 cents an hour It might not be so bad. A dollar an hour is crazy. I am not buying anything on Folly anymore. I'm in. I cant' imagine being a kid now trying to surf. I remember when I had to scrounge for gas money. Now you gota find enough for parking too. For what? I heard they bought a new garbage truck. Well if you would quit putting up big condo's you wouldn't need an extra one. I don't see where the money is going. If you are going to charge me for parking how about some public restrooms and decent parking. I hope that mayor does not get reelected. Why should anyone have to pay that much to park at the beech. Folly is really starting to suck. It used to be a little aoying with all the hippies and rednecks but now this.....
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