*this video contains adult language, recreational tobacco use and my sentiments exactly. Enjoy!
Thursday, August 30, 2007
no Nike in surfing...
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
WTF, they're not sandals, they're shoes???
...I'm trying to stay on the cutting edge of fashion this week. Eat your heart out Sanuk, Nike just double-pump-reverse-tomahawk dunked your sidewalk surfers Shaq-Fu style.
Tomorrow we'll delve into the current trends of "surf" hairstyles...
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
when pockets aren't enough...
...Marsupial females have built in pouches and women get to carry purses, so where are guys supposed to put all their stuff? There is a solution: the "man-bag". The "man-bag" market was untapped in the surf industry...until now!...here is REEF's Mick "Fann(y)ing" pack for storing your passport, euro-suit, camera etc.
...and here, our own little local psychopath wears his third-world version of the man-bag ...
...if you had x-ray specs you would at least see his stash of mary-j-wanna and dugout which he packed up on the front porch and toked up on his way down the stairs. Very discreet...in the name of fashion.
Monday, August 27, 2007
... now that the swell is gone I can go back to surfing in front of my house without the crowds. While 6th and 10th blocks saw astronomical crowds for no good reason other than "sheeple" said it was breaking good, some were smart enough to search for uncrowded spots in between the numbers and were rewarded.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
in groms we trust...
...McKevlin's own Evan Tanner won the 14 and under division at this weekend's Gromfest honoring the late Dennis McKevlin. The 15-18 year old division was won by Charlie Hussey on a Sharpeye Glider3 Quad purchased right here at the shop. I guess that means we won...
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
I done broke'ded the switch...
...sorry y'all.* Looks like the wave switch is stuck at the ON position. Being the relaxed South, I won't be able to get a repairman out here until at least early next week. Until then you're going to have to surf everyday. Also, feel free to return to the Washout if that is your regular surfing area. Thanks.
*I don't really say y'all.
Monday, August 20, 2007
if you are working today...
...this is what you are missing. Enjoying Dean's playful closeouts come at a price though. Our neighbors to the south in the Caribbean are getting thrashed right now by Hurricane Dean which is heading towards category 5 status. It's a guilty pleasure...
Pier pressure...
Friday, August 17, 2007
no #2's on the tour bus...
...rock 'n' roll is a complicated thing. There are unwritten rules such as you can steal your band mates girl, but by no means can you "deuce it up" on the tour bus. Needless to say when Thunder Lip arrived several bands members had broken into the mud butt sweats and were eager to use our facilities, which, much to their dismay, had a line of kids waiting as well. Eventually they blew up the bathroom and then proceeded to blow up the parking lot with some Iron Maiden-esque rock 'n' roll...
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
rock'n'roll hootchie coo at two...Thursday...
...if your into chasing tail, tight leather pants, and Viking love fantasies stop by the shop tomorrow at 2PM to meet some rock stars by the name of Thunder Lip.
Some surf stars from the VESTAL team should be here too (maybe a CJ Hobgood or a Tim Curran or an Erica Hosseini) as part of their East Coast Tour.
2PM @ McKevlin's, Thursday August 16th, 2007
Live show @ Cumberland's downtown 10PM Thursday night
Johnny Tsunami...
...2nd best Folly Beach license plate (behind Tommy Bolus' "Follyeva" play-on Haleiwa)
...best Folly Beach vehicle
...and one of the biggest mysteries is the man behind the wheel. Does anyone know "Johnny Tsunami's" story?
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Monday, August 13, 2007
If you ain't first your last...
...first loser (2nd place Jr. Mens shortboard) Bryant Thomas was one of several team riders that surfed well in the Governor's Cup last weekend.
Here's some more team rider results:
Holly Nettles- 4th place Womens shortboard
Kristin Tanner- 1st place Womens open (1 week stay at G-land Surf Camp and a new surfboard)
2nd place Womens longboard
3rd place Womens shortboard
Jr. Iron Woman Award
Evan Tanner - 2nd place 3a Boys shortboard
Glenn Tanner - 1st place Grand Masters shortboard
2nd place Legends longboard
Iron Man Award
Congratulations to all who competed and had a good time...
Friday, August 10, 2007
fashion forward...
...all the sales reps are always talking "fashion forward" about their new clothing lines. "I'm killing it with these shoes in Virginia Beach. You're a destination shop, people will buy this, let's talk numbers...aaaaaahhhhh!"
Looks like Old Navy is dominating the "fashion forward" surf clothing market with this matching rashguard-swimsuit combo. This kid, not afraid to innovate, stepped it up and matched up his Crocs and sunglasses too for the ultimate ensemble. Just a guess, but I bet his favorite surfer is Wingnut...
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
f-bomb + lord's name in vain = int-IR-ference...
...wasn't such a good idea to set up next to the Christian Surfer's tent for the contest last weekend, especially with my fiery New Jersey vernacular. Moments before my heat I dropped my new sunglasses lens first into the sand and let out a "Jesus F*#@in' Christ," much to the dismay of my neighboring tent's occupants (and my mother). Something about breaking some kind of commandment was uttered... Then I got some mysto interference call during my heat causing me to get the coveted "dirty turd," otherwise known as last place in layman's terms. Maybe prayer in numbers does work...
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Monday, August 06, 2007
we are (beach) marshal...
...Stephen Fletcher pretty much dominated as the Governor's Cup beach marshal once again. Hours upon hours in the grueling sun and temperatures in the 90's couldn't thwart Fletcher's painstaking effort to put a contest jersey on every competitor. His tricked-out his beach marshal cart with the hot pink wheels a pretty much stole the show. Way to go Stephen.
Friday, August 03, 2007
anyone get the license plate # of that truck???
before......and after.
This is why I jaywalk; its MUCH safer. This sign in front of the shop is IN THE CROSSWALK and gets hit so much they've already replaced it several times this summer. Whether its guys staring at chicks in bikinis or clueless old people who can barely see over the steering wheel, it makes a wonderful slapping sound when hit and, of course, brings a smile to my face.
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Allo Guv'nor...
...Anthony "Osmental" Osment, the bacon-fueled state champ, will defend his title this weekend at South Carolina's Governor's Cup of Surfing. Here's a little write-up in the Post & Courier on Twan.
Forildo, at this year's contest stakes is high. The winner of men's and women's open division receives a free stay at Joyo's G-Land Surf Camp in Indonesia. Good luck to all those competing, and pray to your god for surf...
Governor's Cup will be held at the world infamous Washout this weekend, Saturday August 4th (8am-5:30pm) and Sunday August 5th (8am-4pm). Don't forget to pay the parking nazi meters.
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
there was shrinkage!!!
...this Pickle wax remover has seen its day, time to re-up. An amazing tool in itself, the Pickle contains 100% recycled material making it green 2 times quick. Why not save the planet while taking your wax off. So grab your pickle (go ahead; don't be bashful) and rub it all over your surfboard using firm strokes. Just make sure to wash your hands afterwards, especially before shaking someone's hand.