Thursday, March 22, 2007

new Seasoned fishes & funshapes have arrived...

...I have always had a bit of a sweet tooth and when I was in grade school my version of the food pyramid was what you see above. Anytime I had a little bit of change in my pocket it went straight to Ferrara Pan and his henchmen. I always liked to test the limits and see how much candy I could eat before the first school bell rang. Well, one day I put down at least a box of each without any REAL breakfast in my stomach, and what ensued is one of the most visually complex vomiting episodes of my lifetime. I still recall the esophageal burn from a blended taste of Alexander the Grape, Mr Melon, Cherry Chan, Lemonhead and the Atomic Fire Ball as the mushroom cloud of candy exited my mouth onto the concrete. As my tearing eyes finally cleared, this is what lay before me. Flashbacks...

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