Saturday, April 19, 2008


This bunghole is trying to steal the no-popout fire and using it to sell pop-outs. Stoked Surfboards once again gets the 2 fingers up, and I'm not talking about thumbs.

In case you forgot, check here to see how he called his boards Chinese pieces of crap for kooks.


Anonymous said...

Just when I thought I'd check the blog, during my 36 hr shift for some relief, I get "Mr Stoke". My eyes are burning and I have a funny feeling in my stomach! But hey, at least he's helping me pick my next board!!!

(In the bests Spicoli voice and pose)..."YOU DICK"

djjahd said...

do these people live in Ohio....
i guess its time for me to have a talk with my kids about these nasty parasites.... for now im going out on my custom made for someone else... New Jersey based company with numerous pressure holes and a stringer fracture, that still rides like champ.... peace.

Anonymous said...

But he gets tons of press

Kook is all over the kooky web except for the places where real surfers gather.

I.R. said...

press releases...

Anonymous said...

I'm from Ohio and I'm coming to visit my favorite beach, Folly in 2 weeks. I'm going to the Washout, pay my dollar to park, and get wasted on the beach man. I just got this sweet new Byrne with that badass no-ding epoxy resign. I heard Kelly Slater rides them and that is my FAVORITE surfer. Well, see ya at the Washout