I awoke this morning with a feeling that today I would be visited by greatness.
At about 11:45 my prior premonition became a glorious reality as royalty graced our tourist worn carpet.

Although his every step was met by the stares of awe struck commoners he moved in a haze of regal grace.

Now that I have been so close to greatness my only regret is that my life has reached its peak because I know no experience following today's could ever compare.
Elvis has left the building...just had to say it.
since when is it a good bussiness practice to on a regular basic put pictures of customers on your mckevlins page and make fun of them?
Business practice? Since the regular customers that spend a shit load of money at McKev's gets a laugh out of it! These people at the most spend a couple of dollars on a tee shirt, a cheap pair of sandal or inexpensive sunglasses. Most of 'em just walk in and walk out. The get in their truck and head back home to Toledo or Knoxville. I LIKE IT...it make me laugh...and I like to laugh...so back off Anonymous!
Sorry spell check...just woke up. "Then" get in their truck... ..it "makes" me laugh
hey lost,ask any surfshop owner about where they make the most profit,it's not on surfboards but clothing and a lot of that is bought by tourists.go into a surfshop during the winter and not a lot of money is being spent but it's christmas in the summer months.summer=tourist dollars.
I don't know about the Folly area shops, but where I'm from origionally, surf shops always make their bread and butter of the locals...and I know a shit load of surf shop owners. Like I said, I've seen tourists walk in and walk out mostly not spending a dime, but wanting to use the restroom. Occasionally they'll buy a tee shirt or rent a board. Parrot surf shop over in Mt. Pleasant doesn't seem to get the tourist traffic and they cater to mostly locals...don't see them hurting. Bam!
Bottom Line...that guy in the photo looks like a joke. I bet Drew put a wig on some drunk and gave him a bottle of Ripple to pose for the pic! LMAO
you just don't get it.
I do get it...it's human nature to poke fun of the extremely goofy looking.
yes it is lost but to do it on your bussiness website about people in your store is kind of messed up.it does not surprise me that a kid would do it but that tim would let it happen on his website that is a reflection of his bussiness and him.
Some people take this blog a little too seriously.
You got that right Drew! Some people just have to be some damn politically correct and can't take a joke. Keep it coming Drew, it makes me laugh thus I feel like spending a ton of money at Tim's shop...guess that makes me a sicko!
Anonymous...look at the history of the surfing industy. It isn't like normal retail. Go to surf expo and see for youself.
Free speech equals the ability to potentially harm one's profit margin.
I'm thinking Anon is just worried he's the next picture model.
Oh and it's business not "bussiness".
keep us local laughing. I have spent thousands over the years in tim's shop. Will continue to. Locals support them not those silly mullet wearin tourists. They will never know anyway. It's our little secret so spot taking things so seriously. This blog will never hurt Mckevs business because we all support them. See we are all reading this blog.
Just don't make fun of any black people and it'll be OK.
Yeeh blood, don't cha be makin' no fun of da brotha's or I be getting my gangsta sef in dar ta stik ya's in da kotchy. I ain't no jive turkey!
Old Kook, thank you for explaining the spelling of buSiness. That was driving me nuts. And this is not the whining anon. I'm just a regular anon.
Hey anonymous..... F**k off. If you would not make fun of that mullet chances are you have one. Drew, give mad props to the ding repair guy for me, he did a great job on my fish.
i thought mullets went out in the eighties?maybe with all these retro styles coming back he is making a fashion statment.
man i bet you guys see it all when tourist season starts.
Hey Trey,
Mad props?
Ding repair aint rocket science. I'd be ashamed to admit I paid someone to fix a ding.
It wasnt exactly a ding. Drew would probably know what I was talking about, thats why I said "Hey Drew" before that statement and "Hey anonymous" before the F**k off"
you only said "Drew", not "Hey Drew".
Mad props poser. I may have a mullet hairdo but at least I can fix my own boards.
Repair? Sheeet, I buy a new board if it gets a scratch on it while taking it home from the shop! At the very least I'll trade it for a new one because it got a few pressure dings from my heel after one or two sessions. Don't fix it, just buy a new one! Hell, they only cost $600 or more.
Thats a good idea that would really make the crew at mckevlins happy I'm sure. Especially now that they have lost a lot of business because they pick on tourists with bad haircuts. Seriously though, I am sorry about the whole F**k off comment... I've been reading this blog since ian started it and never commented but it seems silly to me that people take things so serious sometimes. So for real anonymous, my bad. Maybe I can let you borrow my hair clippers and you can show me how to fix my board.
I wouldn't show you how to fix a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
Who's Ian?
You mean I can fix my board with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich!!! Great news man! Im gonna check into that!
Don't use jelly, just peanut butter. Let it dry and spray with a hard laquer coating.
And my opinion for the topic, probably not a good idea to sneak pictures of people inside the shop and post them on the innernet, whether you're making fun of how they look or not. If you have to sneak the picture in the first place, you know in your heart it is wrong.
Those guys outside the Dollar were fair game though.
McKev's is not Ron Jons, so who cares about hurting the feelings of some redneck from Tennessee! Just put a sign in the front door stating "NO MULLETS ALLOWED" or "HAVE MULLET? NO SERVICE!" How about "THIS BUSINESS IS OCCUPIED BY SHUTTER BUGS!" Customers beware...you may end up on America's funniest videos.
maybe you should start taking pictures of the kooks who come in and pay to get their boards fixed. take pics of them and their dummy dings, we can play "guess the stupidity behind the story".
OUCH!! Score one for Joe Dirt...
Anyone ever see the film "JOE DIRT?" This guy's hair and chops are a dead ringer!
For a place that hardly get waves it cracks me up how "hardcore" all the locals are... I do agree with "Anonymous" that it is bad business practice to support a blog and posting such as these but I do support free speech so have at it. I just moved here and continue to find it hysterical that the Washout is called "Hollywood" and everyone here thinks the surf world revolves around Folly -- get over it, this place sucks for waves. Travel other places and you'll understand. Flame me but I made the decision to move here -- it certainly won't be forever. And for a shop that is so "no pop-outs" help me understand one thing -- how is a "manufactured" CI or Lost... and different than a manufactured Surftech or Walden. Made in the USA vs. Thailand??? No, I don't ride a either -- my bro makes my boards and has a cult following -- I support the guy that actually shapes my board. Get over your fucking hardcore selves... Go sell your Hondas and Toyotas. This place is a fucking joke -- go surf some real waves.
Last, I don't know who you've been talking to (probably the local hardcore kooks) but all the "hardcore locals" actually know that the waves here suck! Every once in a while the moon, sun and planets line up and we get a really nice wave. But I could think of a million places with better surf than Folly. But like many others, my job and other circumstances keeps me here. Sorry you hate us!
Do you and all your bros wear white tennis shoes and drink magic kool-aid?
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