...registration is at 6:00 tonight at the Washout and the contest will start around 9-ish on Saturday morning and will go to about 4:00 PM. The party will be Saturday at 6:30 PM at the Holiday Inn back deck. Wahines get in free, guys pay $5 and cash bar. Contest finals will be held on Sunday starting at 9:00AM.
Friday, May 30, 2008
hot roasted wahiners on the way...
Thursday, May 29, 2008
turd in hand i'm gellin'...
...or Ferdinand Magellan? Put the hotcoat on the new MOIST this morning... ...templated off the ...Lost Rocket, she stands 5'4" x 18 and hef x 2 1/8 and should be rideable by the next time we have surf.
*All materials used in making this surfboard were produced by corporationy people, in non-environmentally friendly countries run by fascist regimes.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
those crazy swaylockian's...
...for a site full of DIY surfboard shaper's all chanting "shape it and ride it yourself" caravaning around Greg Loehr's PopeMobile, they've always got some Chinese POS's for sale on Swaybay. How about someone that moderates classified adds before they go up? Don't miss this deal!
Or here's another sweet XXX down in Orange Park, Florida that you can ride at Typhoon Lagoon right 'cha.
Ah, the longevity of a black fiberglass surfboard...
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
start hating...
...the Globe Fiji contest is going on right now with great waves. It's flat here. And this pic is from Namotu's left in Fiji, and it's not some pro. It's someone from Charleston that can afford a $5000 surf trip. Would you do it?
Friday, May 23, 2008
the great wax review,,,
...whether you use it as a coin holder, grip for your kayak paddle or whatever else, you have plenty of options. I'm too busy working at the shop to try out all these different waxes, so why don't we share with each other what works for you, and what chemist should be water-boarded for disguising Vaseline in a surf wax package.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
noserider, eh...
...here's a Robert August Sabre "Modern Nose Riding Machine"...
...and here is the wax job which stops oh, I don't know, slightly before the nose. I guess good old Robert August finally found a way to make longboarding challenging. Other things Robert is famous for are The Endless Summer, narcing on Donald Takayama for smuggling stuff in surfboards, exploiting Tamarindo, Costa Rica and he is currently in the process of doing the same to Guatemala. From icon to ice hole.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
triple threat...
...the new ...LOST models are in! From top to bottom we have the Rocket, the Monkfish and the Gullwing. The Rockets are flying out of here, no pun intended. The Monkfish is a perfect hybrid of the MR Retro 80's and the RNF quad but with a constant V-bottom from nose to tail which cuts through chop and makes for fluid rail-2-rail transitions. Finally, the Gullwing which is the most versatile board in the ...LOST lineup this year working from knee high to way overhead.
...each has a distinct tail and fin configuration. The Rocket is a thruster with the fins moved forward about a 1/2 inch farther up from the tail than a standard thruster, and has pinched round tail. The Monkfish is set up as a straight quad with a winged swallow. Last but not least, the Gullwing features the quint fin setup allowing for quad, thruster, twin or even bonzer fin configuration (I recommend Speed Dialer Turbo Quads) and winged swallow set back a little deeper than the Monkfish and a hollowed out swallow center to allow increased water release. It also has a hyper rail rocker in the last 4 inches of the tail for quick directional changes.
Any questions?
Monday, May 19, 2008
and the winners are...
...the stars are out and shining tonight. Two great pieces of writing in the Custom Surboard Contest final. Who are those grand champions going to be? I have the envelope. $100 dollars toward a new custom surfboard and the title of Surf Search Champions 2008 goes to...
...Tim Reader and Caroline Norment! Stop in the shop and claim your prize for you are the 2008 champions.
...Tim Reader and son claiming their prize, and his winning entry below.
...Caroline Norment claiming her prize and her winning entry is below.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
top this Nev...
...Nev is like the Mel Gibson of the surfing world, and while Nev may have built the biggest surfboard ever, I built the largest surfboard calipers this morning.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Monday, May 12, 2008
escape from flattsville...
...I'll be taking the show on the road this week: 95 Southbound to Flo-Rida. Looks like solid swell filling in there on Wednesday afternoon and peaking Thursday, it should be good from Jacksonville down through Central Florida. I know gas is expensive, but you can't put a price on sanity.
Friday, May 09, 2008
cave singers live saturday night...
...live at the Map Room, doors at 8pm, located at 1650 Sam Rittenberg Blvd in West Ashley 843-769-6336
bro brah irie irie...
...dem one come ask I why Bob always smilin', so me splain to dem Bob always irie cause dem left-handed cigarettes*...

*smoking is bad, m' kay. drugs are bad too, m' kay.
Thursday, May 08, 2008
the devil's rope...
...our locally made shop boards have been getting a little hippie-ish in terms of artwork, so in order to preserve our machismo image, we had Todd Sutz and crew throw a little barbed wire on the rails of this badass funshape. Be careful, you may have to wear some thick hide gloves to handle this 1990's inspired Brad Gerlach special.
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
uh, about your custom surfboard...
...maybe it wasn't such a good idea to put the sea turtle on it. Coincidence this surfboard came in today, or is it a sign of things to come?
its nobody's fault, but your own...
...a different perspective on why sharks attack surfers. If you needed a reason to start stand-up paddle boarding, this could be it. Speaking of which, have you heard the joke?
What's the hardest part about stand-up paddle boarding? Telling your parents that your...
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
pier 1, dude 0...
...even though the law states you must keep a 200 yard distance from the pier at all times, the occasional pier shooting goes down. Unfortunately for this guy, the pier decided to do its own enforcing with its barnacle encrusted pilings.
Monday, May 05, 2008
custom surfboard contest...
...we were a little late in getting out our LINES newsletter last month so we are going to extend the custom surfboard contest entry deadline until this Friday, May 9th. Contest details are located in your copy of LINES and is only open to those who receive the newsletter. If you are desperate to enter and do not receive LINES in the mail you can stop by the shop and pick up a copy for contest details. So far " benjamin bonghole" is one of the leading entries...
Surfboard blanks pictured above, from left to right:
Rhyno Foam 6-C, King Mac 6-2 Sealevel , Warvel (MDI) 6-3 Fish
Saturday, May 03, 2008
Finding Pura VIda after party tonight 7-10PM...
...is that board levitating? Check out the banner to the right for more info. There will be 2 sweet longboards being raffled off: a Grasshopper by Richard Prause, a 10 Dewey Weber Performer donated by McKevlin's and some other cool stuff all in the name of philanthropy.
Also, the beach is schmega crowded and the traffic is way backed. Welcome to summer.
Friday, May 02, 2008
drats, foiled again...
...I'm constantly honing my surfboard repair and shaping skills. The fin is just like a miniature surfboard, but foiling it is a lot easier due to the size. Upon special request from world renowned designer, I took one of his 3 pre-Hollywood Wayne Lynch Evolution center fins (right) and shaped into a standard thruster size (left) so he could do some high performance surfing down in the Carribean.