Monday, June 23, 2008

um, I said anything but a poopout...

...and someone brought one anyway. After no less than 5 minutes he was back at the shack to demo one of our boards because he busted his poopout. Give me a molded epoxy board with FCS fins and I'll give you a flaming bag of dog crap and we'll call it even...

And here's a few shots of the cast...


follydude said...

i hope you didn't get struck by lightning!

I.R. said...

jusht wunce. Butt ime fyne.

djjahd said...

hopefully they liked one of the boards there, so they understand how different the two can be.... and then their next board will be better.

Anonymous said...

So am I wrong or is that a Moist board in the top picture? I couldn't zoom the pic in clear enough to tell. If it is, then it was the debut of the new line??? IR going celebrity?

I.R. said...

I was just trying to make the other boards look better.

Anonymous said...

looks like his fin "popped out" and the tabs popped off. Poor poop out.