Monday, March 03, 2008

contest will finish today, actually tomorrow...

...depending on where your at. A new swell will peak-out on Tuesday and diminish for the Gold Coast ending Wednesday, just as it will here on the Bronze Coast, or Folly Beach. Its actually already Tuesday in the land of Oz. The Pop-Out bandit is in Australia right now, so he's already checking tomorrow's surf and spreading the gospel.

I have a feeling that the end of this contest is going to see some good heat match-ups and stellar surfing. The opening Round 4 heat of Dingo Morrison and Jordy Smith is sure to kick start some blazing surfing from Slater, Taj, Kai Otton, Mick Fanning and more. Check it out here. It should start about 4:00 - 4:30 PM today, our time.


Anonymous said...

My bet is that the final will consist of Kelly Slater aka: Jimmy Slade, going up against Mick Fanning with Slater dominating the heat for the win.

I.R. said...

Wait if you were surfing here last night, how did you surf the contest at Snapper too? Must be that "today,tomorrow" thing. Anyway, you definitely surfed better in Oz than you did here...

wills life said...

slater killed it by the way. says he won't be at bells but I wonder. 9 times. He surfed his last wave against AI switch biotch. It didn't count in his heat total but who gives a f............The rest of the east coast sucks. Bad. I see CA coming alive finally (Dane, T. Reyes, bMart), the Aussies killing it, and well, the east coast off the map. We suck!!