Thursday, December 06, 2007

Costa Rica Chronicles: 11/23 to 12/1/07 Barrels aren't supposed to be square...

...these barrels were square, instead of round or almond shaped, so we didn't even bother trying to get inside some. The Canuck in the foreground was my personal shadow for the week and made sure I didn't have to ride any waves by myself because Central America can be dangerous alone...
...and back to the dump hole cabinas to rejuvenate apres surf, the view was like overlooking a landfill. They call this the "Whale's Tail" but it was more like the Whale's arsehole...
...and these annoying toucans were all like "caw caw!" while I was trying to enjoy my beer. At this point I would have done anything to be surrounded by some Folly Beach pier pigeons and the familiar "prrrr prrrr" or even a seagull for that matter...
...I mean even the birds are flamboyant down there. Whatever happened to black and white? This one was wearing a yellow shirt with one black button and a red belt. Black and white dude, show a little class.

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