Can you
believe someone would park like this blocking the entire parking lot. The car has been in that spot since I got to work and I can only imagine it was left here last night. I wonder where a person like this could come from. Maybe if I get a little closer...

Man, that
liscence plate looks like many I've seen before; but where could it be from?
Ahhh, "The Birthplace of Aviation." I know where this guy came from and it is all starting to make sense. He thought he could hide his state of origin with a dealer tag frame. Maybe he could have if only he didn't draw attention to his car by parking like a jerk. It only takes a few bad eggs to ruin it for the rest of them.
Well doesn't that just prove my point, and I probably don't even need to explain it. I got the biggest laugh out of this. If it were someone from N.C.or Cali.it wouldn't be so fitting.
That's why they have tow trucks with guys named Bubba driving 'em.
I thought Kitty Hawk N.C. was the birthplace of aviation?
It is, but the Wright brothers were from Ohio. Maybe they were the pioneers for the influx apparent today.
Sick grumpy local on them.
damn Americans!
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