About two months ago the city installed these new crosswalk signals to replace the old ones that continuously displayed the do not walk signal. I was disappointed that I wouldn't be able to watch people stand on the side of the road waiting for a sign to change that never would.

Despite the city's infinite wisdom, the lights never worked. Now I have to look at this shaft with two wrinkly old... burlap sacks. Where has all the parking money gone?
The city council have taken the money to Vegas. As we speak they are probably in a strip club getting table dances and what is left over they're using on paying for braces on their kid's teeth.
I hope that everytime you deposit money into those parking meters and then drive by those sacks you feel really good about living in Folly Beach.....of course you also have to live with the fact the FLA was firing for Bill and shitting on you. Suckers...........
and you have to live with the fact that you are a dooshbag.
Hey, thats Pat Hulon!
I believe it is spelled dousche bag.
Actually, those of us who live in* Folly Beach, don't have to pay to park. We have little green stickers.
Had a great time here all last week, especially Fri, Sat and Sun... I bet somewhere in Indo was even better than Florida... who cares.
Correct spelling is "Douche"
Everywhere is good and everywhere sucks....
The only place where waves stay consistent and "perfect" is a wave pool. No thanks, I'll rely on Mother Nature.
I heard North Carolina was much better than Floriduh, but then again, WHO CARES!
Sometimes Florida is referred to as America's penis.
Would that make Texas America's turtle head.
OK, I got this one. Louisiana/Mississippi/Alabama is the taint. Thank you.
That was one hell of a geography lesson fellas.... This blog is informative on so many different levels!
Are we back to talking about a "Giant Douche" vs. a "Turd Sandwich"? Which state is what?
then i guess that would leave Ohio the grundle of America... probably where Anonymous is traveling back to now..
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