"Before leaving work last night, I called to catch the last report of the day.While the report was informative and as it turned out, accurate interms of the waves, I was surprised and disappointed at the remarks about the longboarders and stand up paddle boarders messing up the lineup. The reporter went on to say that the guys on the SUPs were doingpirouettes like ballerinas and throwing their paddles. After arriving at the pier, I felt more offended by the report as there was a really good mix of long and short boarders and one of the guys on the SUPs, was Paul Martin, who is one of the most respected surfers on Folly Beach.
As the owner of arguably, one of the finest surf shops and better source of longboards in the Southeast, I thought you should know what was said on the report. Although I know better, the cynical side of me had me questioning whether the policy of stamping out pop outs has now been extended to long boards and SUPs."
Well, now that you got Tim mad at me, I hope your happy. Tim said the only way I can keep my job is to sell all my shortboards and ride nothing but longboards and SUPs. I also have to install 8-foot high "We Heart Longboards and SUPs" signs on the side of the building. See you at the pier, and only at the pier...
i want a pic of you SUP'issing... bwah hah ha hha aha aha aha.... you know that you probably shouldn't express how you feel about that on a public surfline... i know the blog is public but everyone can say what they want here....as for you SUP's, you also have right to the ocean but you know when you are crowding the line up just like i do everytime i go out on a thruster in knee high conditions. i can just get out of the way a lot faster..
Now this is funny stuff. Went and cried to Timmy.
short boarders should even be at the pier. We all know it's the only decent long board spot-you guys stay at the washout and we'll stay at the pier-fair enough??
and i will just surf alongside of the other longboarders like always on IOP.... you keep it segregated and we keep it real homie!
Well it is the south, so perhaps segragation is best for us all!
In fact you all better stay away from my break....localism, that's the way to go! It'll be washout vs. pier vs. 10th St. vs. 6th st. vs. W 8th vs. the county park vs. the playground vs. the tennis court vs. Mayor Beckmann vs. city council vs. Hatteras vs. Sl8tr vs. Taj vs. the entire Tanner Family.
There segragated enough for you!
Oh and since no one seems to understand it on this blog sometimes or on surf report recordings or in general.....
......that's good natured sarcasm up above.
:P :) :O
Emoticons for IR, because apparently he like them, in fact I heard he's putting a few on the latest Moist board he's finishing up. They'll go over well in S.D.
Peace out....'til the next time....and stay away from my 1/2 to 1 foot closeout break...it's mine bitches.
(The preceding was brought to you by too much sleep, too much soda and a truly bored mood)
I know this is a change in subject but do you guys have little boys pants half off?
When did Pee Wee Herman move to Folly?
do you guys have little boys pants half off?
The answer to which is.....Yes, but we make them pull them back up.
I'll keep longboarding at the pier AND the washout, thankyouverymuch.
Ian, I thought the report was funny, even tho I only heard about it 2nd hand thru Paul.
sup's don't belong around surfers.neither do boston whalers,hobie cats or anything with an artificial paddling system.Arms first!
As far as respect, you get what you give.
It's not what you ride, it's how you share. Most lb'rs at the peir have no grasp on the concept of sharing... most surfers in general have no grasp on that concept while in the water. Hell that one yakker, I'd share waves with him anywhere anyday. He knows how to act in the water plain and simple, no matter how he's paddling into a wave, he isn't selfish about it.
The report was right on and funny knowing the circumstances.... crying to Timmy about something like that is lol in a sad way.
there should be more reports like that more often. most surf reports in general are relatively boring and monotonous... good for Ian for making it interesting... I know I was laughing after listening to that report
Just dropped you some stickers in the mail to the shop c/o You. Be on the lookout, I'm sure you'll enjoy them.
what surf shop does the complainer own?
Watch the movie Glass Love and pay attention the the Pezman interview.
Truly great surfers are the ones who can let waves go by for someone else to catch, they have nothing to prove by catching every single wave that comes anywhere near them.
Total enjoyment of being in the water, catching waves and watching others catch waves...not greed and vanity.
Maybe it's an age thing, although a few older guys at Folly still seem to have something to prove with the "look at me" attitude and the need to establish some sort of dominance over their peers in the water. F*ck that, go have fun!
Who cried to Timmy anyway?
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