Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The unquotable...

A lot of "hard-hitting" news comes out of the Charleston's Post & Courier, especially around "Hurricane season." With Tropical Storm Bret (only one T in Bret, like it's namesake Bret Michaels) churning up the waters of the Atlantic, the Post & Courier reached out to the experts for the analysis. But it turns out, unless you have some fancy title like "meteorologist" (who get paid to make accurate weather analysis 50% of the time) rest assured they won't be reaching into their bags of quotation marks for you.

McKevlin's own "title-less" Drew Getsinger gets the paraphrase treatment, here. The first sentence is perhaps the most shocking...


grumpy local said...

I heard Bret moved to California to share a pillow with you?

Anonymous said...

OMG.....the line on the little swell guy moved from knee to waist - I'm there dude.

Anonymous said...

You flooded out?