Summer is coming and that means many more people are coming out to the beach. Some of these people are jerks and want to steal your surfboard. If the unthinkable happens and you can't find your board where you left it then call the police. I know talking to the Po Po may be the last thing you want to do and they probably won't be able to get your board back, but they can provide you with a police report which can be used as proof that it was stolen. Another thing you may want to do is visit
stolensurfboardsonline.com. This website allows you to post a picture and description of your stolen board so if anyone sees it they can contact you. Also, take a picture of your boards.
I steal boards for a living. You do-gooders aren't making it any easier.
I steal boards for a living. You do-gooders aren't making it any easier.
What we need is a web sight to sell stolen surfboards. Its tough to unload a board at berts when you stole it at the washout.
I always take my stolen boards to IOP to sell so no one will recognize it.
I get all my new boards equipped with the new anti theft device... If anyone other than me tries to ride my board it becomes 75 Lbs. and the leash locks around their ankle while a message is simaltaneously sent to local law enforcement.
First gay marriage -now this!
I'm not really making the connection there bro...
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