This happened on Friday at about 4:00pm. The driver of the car was seen stumbling towards Snapper Jack's. Slurry Jones?
Actually we might have some Al Merrick stuff near the R - V - C - A stuff.
...and a convertible quint fin set-up.
Dims: 7'2" x 21" x 2 3/4" $595
This is my 5'8" Pat Rawson Impala via ...Lost surfboards that I picked up yesterday when I was home sick from work (hehe). I have to admit, I was not too impressed when I picked it up. No fancy wings or crazy tail shape or chunnel bottom. No gimmicks at all. What was there to get excited about? Maybe a new swell and another sick day would get me excited enough to go down to Swami's, home of the grumpy locals, and test this piece out.
Well, 10 waves later, I can honestly say this board is no b*llshit. As much as I love my D.Diver, it's going to be hard to not ride this board . From wave #1 there were no surprises: it held in the critical (glass-on twin template + stabilizer) and came of the bottom like a bat out of hell. I might have done my best bottom to top turn combo ever on this board, and that was on my first wave. It kept feeling better and better, whether it was a 2-foot insider or a head-high set wave.
Like I said, no gimmicks, just a plain old surfboard that f*cking works. These are all shaped by Pat Rawson, a master craftsman and shaping legend. He comes over from Hawaii during the middle of every month to shape these boards so no intricacies are lost in translation. Get your order in now, the middle of the month will be here soon.
A wide squatty board with a wide tail, hard edge, and deep single concave come together to form yet another board for Summer's weak surf.
Dims: 5'6"x 19 1/4" x 2 1/4" $650