This is The Disco, one of the new models from Sharp Eye this year.

I'm guessing the name came from the short
squatty nature of the outline which is like a disk (sort of).

With a wide tail and low entry rocker this board is definitely comparable to a Sub-Scorcher from Lost or Dumpster Diver from CI. Either way, it's a solid thruster for weaker surf. I'm a fan of the single concave through the tail which works really well on Rockets and I'm sure it works on this board too.
Dimensions: 5'8" x 19 1/4" x 2 3/8" and only $470
The only thing I can make out is "sex". I bet I know what's on the other side of those links.
How many did you get in and what sizes?
2 in, 5-4 and 5-8.
ouch. you're a trooper.
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