I'm sure you guys have been wondering when it would be safe to cross Folly's busy Center St.

Well... with any luck today will be the day. It reminds my of the old joke, "how long does it take for The City of Folly Beach to fix broken cross walk lights?" 6 months (they started in May).
They still don't work. Now they light up, but they only display the red do not walk signal. I guess this means I can watch people standing and waiting for a light that will never change.
maybe they figure to charge everyone that crosses on red with jaywalking to supplement their lost money on broke washout parking meters.
F.Y.I. "The Drifter" with Rob Machado, is probably the dullest, non surfing, surf film I've ever sat or should I say slept through. Not even worth a look.
You take that back!
not sure how much 'drifting' could go on with an entire film crew in tow
Sorry, I've met and talked with Rob a couple of times and he's a great guy! His surfing is awesome, but this film... I have no idea what Taylor Steele was thinking. It's all about Rob riding a moped, walking around, digging a hole, sitting in a tent reading a book, laying in bed, his thoughts on being alone in Indo vs. going back to Cali....etc, etc. with sleepy (but nice) acoustic music as the sound track. I think there may have been a whole five minutes of surf footage through out the entire film. Not Rob's fault, Mr. Steele is trying to create some artsy fartsy Cane film festival movie. Surfers want to see surfing, not some dirt road in Indo with a talented surfer like Rob walkin' along with a board bag and back pack trying to hitch a ride. Sorry, it was boring!
I was afraid it might be like that... I was hoping since taylor steele was behind it that it would'nt go that direction. Compared to In Gods Hands, which was better?
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