The limited edition Wizard Sleeve is a new shape from Channel Islands designed by Kelly Slater.

It seems like a biscuit with a pulled in tail at first glance of the outline, but is much thinner and not as flat.

Coming standard with a quint set of FCS K 2.1. Performance Core fins, this board can be driven off of the center pivot point as a thruster or ridden as a quad for speed down the line.

The tail is supposed to be a double bump rounded pen tail, but the bumps are very subtle and hard to notice.

The Dimensions of this particular board are 5'8" x 19 1/2" x 2 1/2" and it is numbered 109 out of 405. The msrp for this board is $780. Tim thought that sounded a bit high, so we priced it at $725. I know that is a lot for a sanded finish shortboard, but Kelly Slater's endorsement and Channel Island's laminates are expensive... and consequently awesome (maybe it's the other way around).
Wow, Kelly and Al sure make an expensive egg omlet!
I had a swallow tailed Wizard Sleeve in my hands at Sacred Craft. Definitely looked fun, but the Gravy looked better in my opinion.
I've seen the gravy on paper, but it really seems like a biscuit. I guess I'll have to reserve my judgement until we get one in.
Drew's grandmother has a wizard sleeve
Crap!! somebody beat me to a wizard sleeve comment!! Well, I'll just say slater must have been thinking about his stint with pam anderson when he named this board.
Like I was saying, I had my hands all over a Wizard Sleeve at Sacred Craft. That ish was nasty...
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