Saturday, February 28, 2009
A Northern Ally
Friday, February 27, 2009
longboarding saved my life..., not those longboards. A longboard skateboard. Well, not actually the longboard itself, but the nice soft wheels of this borrowed over-sized plank. Normally, I wouldn't be caught dead on one of those things but it was the only option to bomb the hill on this day and get myself a bite to eat. Well, that bite to eat was almost sh*t.
A 90 degree turn at high-speed is pretty hairy especially when its at a blind stop sign with parked cars lining the street and little green reflectors leaving a 2-inch margin for error. Don't know how I made it, but I think the gummy wheels may have been saved my life. Death is inevitable, but I know a few people who would have been devastated... to hear I was riding a longboard skateboard that is.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
hell hath no fury... the raspy tongue of one Ocean Beach charger Lewis Samuels. The author of the Surfline Power Rankings has had this POSTSURF blog/website going for a little bit and the hilarity is hilarious. All this truth doesn't come without a price, which he will eventually pay, but for now enjoy it while it lasts. Cheers to you Mr. Samuels and your big brass balls.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Reese's smashed to pieces...
...still dominating one of those Florida inlets along with Gorkin, former South Carolina ripper Reese Lewis. Reese and I are both on an EPS kick right now. Look how hard he's hammering those pockets. The boards feel so light under your feet you can nonchalantly put them in any moist pocket of a wave. The hand-shaped epoxies usually cost a little more, but you can get away with riding a little less board without losing flotation. Lots of ...Lost models available in Marko EPS.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Getting in touch with our roots.

Yesterday's highly anticipated Folly Gras festival was so popular this moonshiner traveled from as far as rural Tennessee . Looks like he must make some good shine to be able to afford a sharp looking watch like that.
Today must be my birthday because right after the moonshiner left this guy came in. Undoubtedly another festival goer left over. You know he had a good time yesterday though with that serious party going on on the back of his head.
I know, I have much to learn in the art of stealth photography.
Friday, February 20, 2009
a turd in the punchbowl...
...the surf flick A Fly in the Champagne premiered last night at the La Paloma theater in Encinitas. Unlike a movie premier in Charleston, a pro surfer actually showed up. Not a WCT surfer though, just Andy Irons. That's Sal Masekala, Chris Cote and AI on stage. I'm glad it was free because well...the title of this post says it all. I'm sure soon enough you can pay $8 to see it at American Theater or the Music Farm in Charleston, bro down with the bros, and then go to O'Malley's and drink with all the underage kids. I would wait for it to come out on DVD and rent it at McKevlin's.
Besides that, you can thank McKevlin's very own Perng for yesterday's epic waves on Folly because she's here is San Diego surfing measly chest-high Swami's while those with good timing got dredging Folly rights.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Well... it's not flat.
I know it is nothing epic, but the waves are bigger than they look in the pictures, about waist to stomach and the occasional shoulder high at the washout. Hey, if you couldn't make it out today don't worry, the wind is supposed to switch offshore tonight and should clean it up for the morning, but don't tell anyone. Oh yeah, the tide will be low in the morning and the wind swell won't last long so I'm not promising waves, but in flat times I'll take what I can get.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Secret Messages...
Can you see it?
If not, that probably means you are not rad enough for these baggies. Sorry.
If you can see the message, I am sure it is referring to airs.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Friday, February 13, 2009
Friday the 13th...
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
in the ghetto...
...the windows at my house are always rattling, whether its from bass-heavy ghetto-blaster strip-cruisers or the peaky stink nuggets like the ones above. California has many "ghettos-by-the-sea" which aren't too scary, as long as its broad daylight. Earlier this morning the only thing you had to worry about was losing a finger to frostbite.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Tuesday afternoon surf review...
...nope, that's not the Folly Pier suckers. The rain has stopped for a day offering up semi-clean, shoulder-high plus, turd filled bombers for those who have all their shots.
Monday, February 09, 2009
Monday Morning Board Review
Shaped by Tom Parrish, who used to shape most of the contest boards in Oahu for guys like Rabbit Bartholomew, Mark Richards, Peter Townhend, and Shaun and Micheal Tomson as well as others.
I guess they only had really thick fins in the 70's.
That fin looks like it is almost 1" thick.
I guess when you're surfing in Hawaii a little bit of drag isn't that big of a deal.
Friday, February 06, 2009
Still Flat...
Officer: Excuse me sir, would you like to see a new impression of The Fonz I have been working on?
Citizen: What? Come on, you've got nothing!
Officer: Oh yeah? Watch this!
Officer: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaeh!
Citizen: Haha, that was perfect!
Officer: Thank you kindly sir, I've worked very hard on it.
Our tax dollars at work, where are you?
he's on, he's off, he's on, he's off, he's on...
...while we're never sure if he's still on or off the ...Lost team (currently on, I think...) Aaron Cormican's surfing is always ON. He's half of the 5'5" Redux video, 2x ECSC champ and his buttery-ass approach to knee-high waves makes you want to paddle out in dribbles. He's an East Coast surfer's surfer, and he's also responsible for bringing you the Grocket, the perfect Folly Beach pocket tickler for the summer.
Check his little interview over at Australia's STAB MAG
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
fresh catch...
...found this over at Good site that has quick-read articles (perfect for work) and exposes some of the idiotic stuff that goes on in the "action sports industry."
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
stuck like stupid...
...nothing makes you feel like a kid again than running from security guards after a harmless prank. I kept blasting the Surftech booth at ASR with no-popout stickers. Since the only people near the booth were the 8 sales guys, it gave them something to do besides circle j@#*ing.