...should not be in your board repair kit. This Suncure nose repair looks like Captain Caveman's toe nail. Come by the shop if you have any repair questions, we'll be glad to steer you in the right direction.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
duct tape and suncure...
Monday, September 29, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
tropical t-bone...
...I know it sounds delicious, but while all wave forecasts are calling it head-high plus right now, it's maxing out a measly 2-3 feet. Maybe this will eventually from into an uber-low and throw some Pa-Dow! at us.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
the king could be crowned this morning, between 10 -11 East Coast time...
...Kelly enjoys a coconut pop alongside his personal assistant, Hector.
Watch it live!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
about to lose your musical rights in Folly Beach...
The city is having a meeting tonight at 7:00 pm at City Hall regarding an ordinance that would prohibit live music after 10:00 PM. Go voice your opinion tonight or they will take your rights away from you. Stop the Folly Beach Gestapo!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
dear jimmy slade...
...are you surprised it took this long? I didn't want my emotions to get the best of me so I let some time pass before addressing the situation. This, at the time of the avoidable accident, was a 3-day old, surfed 2 sessions pretty much perfect ...Lost Whiplash (leash cup)
Forget about about the board, I know this killer ding repair guy who always rips around town on a scooter. He's got the ultimate set of tools. No hard feelings on my end...
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
it's getting moist in here...
...the black cat has signified bad luck for centuries, however black cats are actually considered to be good luck on ships.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
hot pursuit...
...Wait, I need a new toilet! Oh, I thought it was the Swisher van. At least they're still handling turds.
Monday, September 15, 2008
son of no-popout bandit...
...the legacy must continue beyond our years. For it will be 2012 when this young bandito enters the wild surf on his own strength and will to battle the Stand Up Paddler's Rainbow Coalition of Cardiff Reef, now numbering in the 10's of thousands. Single-handedly, with the last custom shaped surfboard on Earth (a Bonzer 5-fin shaped by OMalcolm Won Campbobie with hotrod pinlines by Peter St Pierre and a wetsand gloss by JP and bamboo fins by Marlon and installed by Skinny Dave and the order taken by Sally, sorry if I left anyone out... oh, and Moonkitty approved) he will proceed to slice each paddle in half with mighty roundhouses and foam climbs until the SUPRC's are forced to lay down on their boards and paddle with two arms, thus weakening their "cores" and making them spend more time in the gym doing sit ups, freeing the lineup for all of humanity to paddle laying down. Until that day, stay strong my peoples... and congratulations Mr. and Mrs. No-Popout on your beautiful new baby.
Friday, September 12, 2008
It's not the destination that's important. It's the journey that takes you there...

*fotos bi Mary Baker and James Beightol
Thursday, September 11, 2008
pissing contest...
...more UPS action. UPS Rich managed to switch his vacation to last week in order to participate in the 1st Annual "Free Parking" Pissing Contest on an island other than Folly Beach. Here's his entry above...
...Spanky one-ups Rich by using him as a human spray-o-meter. Spanky later said "Spraying people is so 80's." But, its still fun...
...so I sprayed Mary. Probably not a good idea to spray your GF, automatic last place.
Final Results:
- Spanky
- Rich
- Me
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
what can brown (water) do for you...
...some people can't help but take their work home with them. Here your local Mt. Pleasant UPS driver Casey makes a delivery Ace Ventura style...
*fotoes bi James Beightol (sounds like rectal, just so you know)
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
fire in the hole...
...gulf swell from Gustav gets back-handed by Reese Lewis and his RNF somewhere near Bradenton, Florida. With Hurricane Ike about to emerge into the Gulf of Mexico, you can bet before long there'll be fire in the hole. On the Atlantic side, slooooooowwwwwwlllly fading...
Monday, September 08, 2008
thank you TS hanna...
...besides getting some good waves at exotic locations where parking is actually free, TS hanna hooked me up with about 15 repair boards. After vacuuming 50 gallons of water out of my workshop yesterday, the mass repair bonanza will start Tuesday. If you got busted boards get them in now before the next swell.
Friday, September 05, 2008
Thursday, September 04, 2008
one minor detail...
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
only if...
...the waves were always this fun could I live here forever. In the meantime, making the best of it...

Scores are up and Klauber is looking at a 9... oh wait, the Czech judge scores it as a wipeout bringing him down to a 6.75. I think she had a bit too much boxed Chardonnay. If the ASP judges were this hot, I'd be dying to get on tour.