Thursday, July 31, 2008
its evolution baby...
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
properest technique...
...he surfs better switch stance than most (all) of us surf regular stance. The Rip Curl Search contest has started with round 1 being run yesterday. We are 12 hours behind them in Indo, so round 2 should start between 8pm-10pm our time tonight with 6-8 foot Padang perfection over here.
Meanwhile, back on Folly Beach......everything that is wrong with this place has reared its ugly head on
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
proper technique: part trois
...Reese continuing to show proper torquing, grabbing the invisible rope and using his core to pull his cutback back into the pocket, and throw buckets at unsuspecting spinner sharks at the inlet.
*Photo courtesy of Tupat Licor, straight up grueler and dueler of the New Byrna Konnection
Monday, July 28, 2008
proper technique: part deu...
...Reese Lewis from New Smyrna Beach still putting out the fires with his snap-back. Do you see how he's not laying on his back at the end of the wave and pulling his board by the leash? Yes kids, all that and more without a stringer in his board.
*Sequence shots courtesy of Tupat Licor, the ultimate grueler...and bodysurfer.
Friday, July 25, 2008
3-D's nuts... a desperate attempt to sell recycled paper pulp, the latest Surfer advertisement has a 3-D feature hidden between the Oakley cop sunglasses and Super Surfboard ads. Its worth checking out if you're spending any time on Airforce 2 this weekend...
Thursday, July 24, 2008
bro-phy'ed out...
...Drew's magical painting titled "Folly Beach Sunrise" came to life during his 3 hour demo last Sunday. Notice how the board is just levitating? One of the guys in this picture talked about surfing Teauphoo on a twin fin, and another talked about surfing the Washout on a twin fin. Just goes to show that twin fins work in the heaviest breaks in the world...
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
...maybe 25 years ago. Now your "Oceanside" surfboard is not made in Oceanside, California, but instead in Oceanside, China. And its not a custom surfboard if you can't custom order one. Support your shaper who does it for love, not money.
Monday, July 21, 2008
sit down paddlesurfing boards are great for surf cross training...
...why stand up when you can sit down? Plus you can use a double-ended paddle, just like that other double-ended toy of yours...
Saturday, July 19, 2008
paint my paddleboard...
...Bro Drewphy, I mean Drew Brophy will be at the shop tomorrow, Sunday July 20th for a paint pen demonstration from 1:00pm to 4:00pm. Bring your 18 foot board and maybe he'll paint it for you.
Friday, July 18, 2008
the end is near...
...oh the "dragonslayer" is at it again. Check out the full article at USA Today , where I go for the truth in reporting...
Such quotable piece:
- "Laird Hamilton, revered as a god among surfers"- I always watch Laird video parts before surfing. It's like watching The Last Supper before dinner every night.
- "propel with a paddle almost like a kayak"- I can't think of more of a reason not to do it.
- "The sport stands to change ocean recreation, much as snowboards changed the ski slopes."- Not really, its like going from snowboarding to skiing. De-evolution?
- "I'm on for the ride. It'll be bigger than surfing."- Forildo, the day surfers are out numbered by paddle jockeys is the day Kevin Costner signs on for Waterworld 2.
- "Duke Brouwer, promotion manager at Surftech"- Is Duke Brouwer a made up name? Like Duke Kahanamoku and Dick Brewer combined?
- "a private company that doesn't disclose financial results."- For fear of being lynched by real surfboard shapers struggling to make ends meet.
- "He also buys, develops and sells real estate in Hawaii and is developing property on Maui and Kauai."- His fellow Hawaiian locals must love him for that.
- "his fierce competitive streak bubbles up" but "Hamilton, under the guidance of stepfather and pro surfer Bill Hamilton, scorned such contests."- Competive but hates contests?
- "eventually surfers will get used to the newcomers, and stand-up paddling will be welcome."- Never.
*photo By Bob Riha, Jr., USA TODAY
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Myrtle Beach colla-bro-ation...
...Drew Brophy and Todd Sutz put together some boards for the shop featuring Drew's artwork and Todd's shapes. Drew will be in the shop this Sunday, July 20th for a little paint pen demonstration from 1PM-4PM. For more info, check it.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
stylemasters 4...
...Jimmy Slade is that you? Solid dismount as always, he pretends like he's riding his seat-less bicycle off the wave.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
proper technique...
...Perng demonstrates proper paddling and take-off technique at the beginning of the video...
...and dude shows how not to paddle for a wave at the end. Any questions?
Monday, July 14, 2008
Friday, July 11, 2008
Thursday, July 10, 2008
swell of the...
...week. Grumpy Local stopped to get a pre-surf amp video and wish everyone a happy swell this weekend. He'll be waiting at the pier for you...
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
fines, fines...
...everywhere there's fines. F*in up the scenery, breakin' my mind. Do this, don't do that, can't you read the sign?
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
pollution... pollution???
...these baggies, that came in plastic baggies, come with plastic baggies to pick up other plastic baggies with. And its called the "pollution solution"? All I need are the baggies, or boardshorts mind you. I didn't need the stupid plastic wax scraper either. Just baggies, that's the pollution solution.
Monday, July 07, 2008
Bertha the bummer...
...yesterday they had this sucker coming right across toward Puerto Rico, and now its taking a hard right toward Bermuda. Not so promising for swell as of now but stay tuned for further details.
On behalf of the Massey family I'd like to say thank you to everyone who came out for the paddle out last night in honor of Craig. I was half surprised to see so many people in attendance, and I say half because he was just that likable of a kid. With a keg in the sand and all friends and family in attendance, the huge paddle out turned into a giant expression session. It pretty much went down just the way Craig would have wanted it to. Peace on Craig. You will be missed.
Thursday, July 03, 2008
Rest in Peace Craig Massey.
I have this huge pit in my stomach knowing I'll never hear those words from him again, and every time I picture his face the pit gets a little bigger. I'm going to miss not seeing Craig around, along with a lot of other people around here.
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
behind bars...
...I didn't have anything else to do today so I put these wetsuits in wetsuit jail. They'll be lucky if they get out by late November. Well, time for a donut.