Monday, July 30, 2007
Friday, July 27, 2007
court today @ 9am for deviant surfers...
...hope everyone has a good lawyer... about lawyer Tommy Bolus (pictured below)......after all, you need a surfing lawyer to present your surfing case to the surfing judge...
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Sprechen sie...doh!!!
...Hawaiian Island Creations Europe distributor Loran came through for a surf last week. I guess the waves are more powerful here than in his homeland of Germany because he got punched by Folly Reef square in the forehead. Shaka bruddah!
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
It's the Mixed Tape Remix...
the venue... of the lists of banned patrons...
...where's your next trip taking you???
...if all Spanish was only this easy all the time...
...Bobby showed up in digital......hello from Tommy Bolus...
....casual Casimire Kowalski loves alliteration...
...Phillipe y Maria...
..."I think the social impact of a Mexican surfer on the WCT is clearly defined by the integration of Mexican culture and the Spanish language into the America of the 21st century..."
...stinkin' groms...
...Miss Nancy...
...Tally, that guy and good ol' Hank...
...peanut gallery take one...
peanut gallery take two...
...IR had enough, time to turn in...
Thanks for coming out, and we'll see you next Tuesday at 8:00PM at the Surf Bar for our next premier... Absolute Mexico by Josh Pomer.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Friday, July 20, 2007
Police Week: Friday... could be next!!! Furildo, just bustin' the chops of the cops. After all they are just doing their jobs. All I ask is a little consistency. Don't just bust one side of the pier and not the other, don't enforce on Sunday and not Saturday and don't let out of control jet skis race through the lineup corralling people like cattle. That's how someone gets hurt. Wear a leash if its crowded, no matter how good you are. It only takes one slip. Have a great weekend.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Police Week: Thursday...
...Officer Slingblade comes into the local bars as well as Mckevlin's and tries to be all buddy buddy with everyone until "The Chief" cracks the whip. Here he is multi-tasking: writing tickets and thinking about food. "I was thinkin', I'm gonna take me some of these taters home with me. Mmmm hmmm. Well, let me think... I was thinkin' I could use me another couple cans'o that potted meat if ya got any extree. Maybe some biscuits and mustard. Mmmm hmmm."
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Police Week: Wednesday...
...Eddie Allen collects autographs from famous Folly Beach Public Safety officers. This one says "To Eddie, Keep shredding, just not next to the pier... Officer Fife" This autograph only cost him $50. What a deal!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Police Week: Tuesday...
...Ok, so it wasn't racism. I was using some Fox News tactics to get you all hot and bothered. The fuzz were being jerky to everyone with a surfboard, except the Asian that got away. Stay tuned as the story unfolds...
Monday, July 16, 2007
Friday, July 13, 2007
tech soup...
...its not just a quad, its a stealth quad via Bill Johnson and Teqoph Surfboards. Wicked tail rocker, high-tech fin placement and a super cool looking flex-tail are just a few ingredients to this ripper stew of a board. You want 5th fin box? No soup for you!
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
quad theory...
...if it works on one shape, it should work on all shapes? Will Allison has put this theory to the test with this quad/2+1/single fin double wing baby swallow (deep breath) single to v concave longboard. Running at 9'0" x 22 1/4 x 3 1/4 catching waves will not be an issue, but deciding which fins to use on which day and at which break is giving me a headache just thinking about it. That's why I love glass-ons.
This board is NOT available in Tuflite technology.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
finally back...
...long trip to Dirty Jersey after the 4th and actually made it in time for a swell. After a 14 hour drive to this break in Belmar, featured in this video we found 3-4 foot waves and people surfing in full suits and booties. "Yeah, real tough guys in Jersey" I thought, especially after the water temperature was reading 70 degrees when I checked on Wednesday. Suited up in a short-sleeve full and paddled out into what felt like the coldest water ever. 3-4 foot fun waves and I managed to stay out for a whopping 5 minutes, just enough to catch 2 really good rights and escape hypothermia. Upwelling had occurred sometime Wednesday causing the water temp to drop to 60 degrees overnight and forcing me to watch real good waves with daylight to spare.
The moral of this story: You can pack light, but always bring extra rubbers.
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
bored on the 4th of July...
...meager surf and 90 degrees, all the more reason to lay around and get skin cancer, be a drunken idiot and blow your finger off with an m80. Cops are out in full force, so try to use common sense and please pick up some trash on your way off the beach, even if its not yours. Be safe!
Monday, July 02, 2007
you have angered the tiki god...
...yes, socks and aquasocks. The tiki god usually has a smiley face on it...
This aquatard has made quite the attempt of creating the latest summer fashion trend. If there is any truth to the notion of history repeating itself, I believe this will be the style of the year. It happened with Crocs last year, which even made their way over to San Diego and onto the hallowed feet of surf stylist Justin Phillips. Justin, if I come visit and your sporting this look, I'll know its the real deal.