Thursday, June 28, 2007
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
grommet abuse...
...groms usually aren't too bright. First off, groms should never hassle the shop guy who happens to be cleaning the shop bathroom that day, especially when you left your bicycles unattended under the shop...
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
demo demo, these boards are for sale...
...all of the demo boards from Intl' Go Surf Day are now on sale, barely ridden, and amazingly all ding free. They are all reasonably priced and come with free leashes, yippee! the 7'2" Allison afterbirth quad...
Monday, June 25, 2007

Friday, June 22, 2007
surfing hangover...
International Surf Day was a success as we brought some boards out, and people went surfing on them. Another foot or two of swell would have had those outside reefs firing, but maybe next year. Anyway, thanks to everyone who helped out and came to surf and try some new designs. Local one-off shapers Richard Prause Grasshopper Surf and Will "the Klobberer" Klauber made the most of the event by showing up late and still managing to ride all 10 demo boards (while taking the leash off of each and every one of them) and letting me loan out their own personal shaped boards...uh wait a minute, they weren't supposed to know that.
*A special NO THANKS to the parking nazis who gave out tickets at 5:45 (enforced till 6:00) when you can only pay for one hour increments. Don't know how you sleep at night... Julie enjoying the Channel Islands Pod...
Phil Kirby sliding on the 9'6" Bing Silver Spoon...
shop employee Drew Goatstrangler lining up the wave of the day on an Allison Quad Fish...
as stoked as a little grommet, Surfin' Li' ready to slip into some waves on the Lost RNF Quint...
the ever ecstatic Hale fell in love with several boards including the McKevlin's funshape...
Richard from Charleston Crystalball found the board of his dreams during the event...
Dawson Bolus ready to hack into a frothy left on the Sharp Eye GL3 quad...
team rider Bryant Thomas waxed all the demo boards, then waxed the wash on my 5'6" quad...
and team rider Glenn Tanner shralped every board available, and always with a smile...
Here's another perspective of International Go Surf Day from our sister coast, the West Side...
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
don't forget tomorrow at 4:00...
...check out the flyer below for International Go Surfing Day and the McKevlin's surfboard demo. Unlike this dog, your's must be on a leash if you bring it. See you then.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Monday, June 18, 2007
try brand new boards for free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Help us celebrate! For International Go Surfing Day (Thursday, June 21), we're bringing a truckload of brand new surfboards to the Washout for everyone to try out. Ever been curious about the Neilson Stringerless Coil Technology or the Bing Silver Spoon longboard? Want to try a Lost Round Nose Quint or a Teqoph Battail Quad? Here's your chance. Plus, local shapers - you're invited to bring out and show-off your boards as well. We'll be at the covered boardwalk promptly from 4:00 to 6:30. Immediately following the board demo, the Charleston Chapter Surfrider Foundation will be having a cook-out feast (you bring it, they grill it) and movie (Sprout) showing.
Friday, June 15, 2007
separated at birth???
...while these surfing girls won't admit it, most of us think they do share some resemblance to one another. McKevlin's own Perng Chen (left) and Margaret Yao of Bing Surfboards met for the first time (since birth?) this week. You can see the surprised looks on every one's face once they learned that not only are they not related, but they don't go to the same tanning salon either! Weird...
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
shwatz he ridin now???
...Matt Calvani of Bing rides just about every type of surfboard he can get his planer on. This has led him to experiment with developing templates that combine classic surfboard elements with fresh, modern longboard and shortboard templates, as well as everything in between. His recent project consisted of designing a board that would allow him to simulate the turning characteristics of a thruster shortboard, but maintain the speed of a quad fish. This new model gives you every advantage of a fish’s glide and speed, while giving you the control, maneuverability and responsiveness of a shortboard. The end result (for now) is a board designed for a variety of wave conditions, from small to overhead, that begs to be surfed like a military haircut: high and tight.
Prepare to be Synchronized...
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
the nod...
...McKevlin's blog was mentioned in the current issue of The Surfer's Journal as one of the most important surf blogs in the history of surf blogs...well, it doesn't really say that but there is a teeny little paragraph that has some words and stuff, some complimentary, others filler. Heck, I might have even paid them to mention it...
But as usual, its worth picking up the issue since it is the only readable mag out there. Thanks for watching.
Friday, June 08, 2007
Thursday, June 07, 2007
save the date for the BING peoples!!!
...Matt Calvani, owner and head shaper of Bing surfboards, as well as manager and team rider Margaret Yao will be in the shop Monday June 11th from 1:00 to 6:00 to meet and greet all you Bing enthusiasts out there. They will be availaible to answer all your questions about their wonderful line-up of boards, in addition to shooting the proverbial sh** about surfing in general. Come one and come all and talk to Matt and then dork out and ask for an autograph and then order a board from him and when you get it you'll love it and you'll understand the beauty of a true custom shaped surfboard...
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
graphic artist wanted...
...since none of you sissies have prevented the parking meters from serving their purpose, maybe you can do something with this...
Monday, June 04, 2007
thank you Barry...
...what you lacked in duration of swell, you made up for in the following categories:
- barrels
- smokin' rights
- sand in every crack in my body
- broken rental boards
- watching many longboarders go down
- solid waves on my day off of work
- smiles in the lineup
- ding repair busine$$
You were better than Barry Bonds, Barry Manilow, Barry Williams (Greg Brady) and Barack "Barry" Obama...but you did come up a little short of Barry White. Solid effort though.
Friday, June 01, 2007
still slashing...
5/31/07 wax prices...
6/1/07 wax prices...That's right, we actually lowered our wax prices to keep it at $1 even with the June 1st sales tax increase (now 7.5%) All because we love you, even if you don't love us back...